First Circular IX International Symposium on Explosive Production of New Materials: Science, Technology, Business, and Innovations (EPNM-2008)
May 69, 2008, Lisse, Netherlands |
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Organized by
Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Netherlands
Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (ISMAN), Russia
We are welcoming all organizations and businesses willing to become sponsors of this event.
Sponsorship Application Form (MS Word document 46kb)
Preliminary Program (MS Word document 106kb)
Our Sponsors
Dynamic Materials Corporation (DMC)
Dynamic Materials Corporation is the worlds leading provider of explosion-welded clad metal plates. Its Detaclad products are used in a variety of industries, including petrochemicals, refining, hydrometallurgy, aluminum smelting and shipbuilding.
The Boulder, Colorado, USA based company began business in 1965 as an explosion forming specialist, producing complex three-dimensional parts for aerospace equipment manufacturers. DMC became a publicly traded company in 1976 under the ticker symbol BOOM and shortly thereafter licensed technology from E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company (DuPont) to explosively bond, or clad, two or more dissimilar metal plates together. The explosion-bonded clad metal business remains DMCs core business today. The acquisitions of DuPonts Detaclad Division in 1996, Nobelclad Europe in 2001, and DynaEnergetics in 2007 has strengthened the Company’s worldwide position in explosion cladding.
Explosive forming of metals
Explosive forming offers a solution for the forming of saddle-shaped panels.
This is because this technology has no restrictions with regard to the format or the thickness of the product.
By means of explosion forming, complex and double-curved shapes can be produced in a relatively easy way.
Almost all types of metals, such as aluminium, steel and stainless steel. But also nickel and titanium can be shaped by means of explosion forming.
In comparison with other metal distortion technologies, explosion forming has a number of advantages. For example large objects can be produced in one go up to ten metres in length, and thick plates, up to even six cm thick stainless steel, can also be transformed.
In addition to this, less after treatments are necessary, because of which the metal suffers less stress.
It is also possible to transform metal plates that have been lacquered in advance.
Explosion forming is pre-eminently suitable for the creation of prototypes or small ranges, but large ranges can also easily be produced by distorting several plates at the same time.
Exploform B.V.
Exploform is a joint-venture of Van Campen Aluminum Productie BV and TNO (Dutch organization for Applied Scientific Research)
Bitrub International Ltd.
The leading Russian national industrial producer of Clad Metals by Explosive Welding
Dimensions of clad plates: 10–200 mm thick, up to 3200 mm wide, and up to 8000 mm long. Base materials are: carbon steels, low-alloy steels, high-alloy steels, non-ferrous metals, and alloys shaped as plates, slabs, forged pieces, etc.
Cladding layer is 1–15 mm thick
Cladding materials are: stainless steel, high-alloy corrosion-resistant steels, titanium and its alloys, copper, brass, bronze, aluminum and its alloys, nickel, iron-nickel alloys, tool steels, etc.
Products quality meets the requirements of the GOST 10885-85 (Soviet Standards Code), Other National Standards or agreed specifications
International Advisory Committee (IAC) |
Carton E., Chairman | (Netherlands) |
Banker J.G. | (USA) |
Batsanov S.S. | (Russia) |
Buchar J. | (Czech) |
Deribas A.A. | (Russia) |
Dobrushin L.D. | (Ukraine) |
Dremin A.N. | (Russia) |
Fortov V.E. | (Russia) |
Gordopolov Yu.A. | (Russia) |
Hardwick R. | (UK) |
Hokamoto K. | (Japan) |
Lysak V.I. | (Russia) |
Mamalis A.G. | (Greece) |
Merzhanov A.G. | (Russia) |
Moon J.G. | (Korea) |
Paton B.E. | (Ukraine) |
Pervukhin L.B. | (Russia) |
Petr V. | (USA) |
Pruemmer R. | (Germany) |
Raghukandan K. | (India) |
Sekine T. | (Japan) |
Smirnov G.V. | (Belarus) |
Stavrev S.Ya. | (Bulgaria) |
Tanaka K. | (Japan) |
Thadhani N.N. | (USA) |
Titov V.M. | (Russia) |
Ujimoto Ya. | (Japan) |
Vetlitskii B.B. | (Czech) |
Yoh J.J. | (Korea) |
Local Organizing Committee (LOC) |
Carton E., Chairman | (Netherlands) |
Diederen A. | (Netherlands) |
Richardson I. | (Netherlands) |
Stuivinga M. | (Netherlands) |
Weerheijm J. | (Netherlands) |
Wentzel C. | (Netherlands) |
van Puffelen E., Executive Secretary | (Netherlands) |
Coordinating Committee (CC) |
Gordopolov Yu.A., Chairman | (Russia) |
Sytschev A.E., Coordinator | (Russia) |
Gordopolov A.Yu., Coordinator | (USA) |
Likhanova O.O., Executive Secretary | (Russia) |
Program Committee (PC) |
Banker J.G. | (USA) |
Carton E.P. | (Netherlands) |
Deribas A.A. | (Russia) |
Gordopolov Yu.A. | (Russia) |
Hokamoto K. | (Japan) |
Pervukhin L.B. | (Russia) |
Prummer R. | (Germany) |
Shtertser A.A. | (Russia) |
Utkin A.V. | (Russia) |
The Symposium is intended to be a representative forum of scientists, engineers, and production managers active in the field
of rapid processes and phenomena accompanying shock- and detonation-assisted synthesis, shock-assisted modification of materials,
explosive strengthening and welding of metals, and explosion-mediated consolidation of powders for effective industrial-scale implementation
of the above processes.
Symposium Sections
Explosive welding of metals and consolidation of powders
Synthesis of new materials in shock and detonations waves
Explosive and shock processing of materials
Industrial implementation of materials production/processing by explosion
Location: The Golden Tulip Hotel, Lisse, Netherlands http://www.goldentuliplisse.nl/default.aspx?Language=EN
Official Language
English will be the official language of the Symposium
Preliminary Timetable
Monday, May, 5 | arrival of participants, Welcoming reception (17:00-19:00) in the Golden Tulip Hotel in Lisse |
Tuesday, May, 6 | 8:30 registration, opening ceremony, presentations (oral and poster) |
Wednesday, May, 7 | presentations (oral and poster), 13:00 excursion to Tulip fields and Amsterdam |
Thursday, May 8 | presentations (oral and poster), banquet |
Friday, May 9 | presentations (oral) until 14:00, closing ceremony, departure of participants |
The History
The Symposia have a long history: in the 70–80s, they were held in former Czechoslovakia on a regular basis.
The Symposia were popular and greatly contributed to the science and technology of materials processing by explosion.
After a long time-out, the tradition was resumed by holding the VIII Symposium (EPNM-2006) in Moscow, September 11–14, 2006.
The Symposium in Moscow demonstrated the current importance and significance of such forums. The Symposium was attended
by more than 100 experts from 12 countries, including representatives of leading manufacturers using explosive technologies
that indicate the continuing interest to such forums.
The participants expressed their satisfaction with renewal of such meetings and supported the idea to held similar forums
within a period of two years.
It was also decided to impart the International Advisory Committee virtually affiliated at ISMAN the status of a continuing
body. All current information will be posted on the website of ISMAN:
International Advisory Committee
is assumed to perform the following duties:
- to appoint the time and place for the oncoming symposia
- to file a program of next symposia, subjects of sections, and format of presentations
- to assist to Local Organizing Committee in search for sponsors and sources of financial support among domestic and international
institutions and organizations
The Local Organizing Committee will be situated in a host country (for EPNM-2008 the Netherlands). In order to optimize the organizing activities, the position of Chairman of IAC and LOC will be simultaneously occupied (under rotation rule) by a well recognizable scientist from a host country.
Accordingly, the Chairman of IAC/LOC for EPNM-2008 will be
Dr. Erik Carton
P.O. Box 45 2280 AA
Rijswijk, Netherlands
e-mail: erik.carton@tno.nl
tel: +31-15-2843355
fax: +31-15-2843939
The standing CC/PC of IAC Executive secretary will be
Olga Likhanova
ISMAN, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institutskaya ul., 8,
Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, 142432, Russia
e-mail: likhanova@ism.ac.ru
tel: +7(495) 962-8042
fax: +7(495) 962-8070
Hotel reservation
Hotel reservation should be made before January 7, 2008
For resevation please write: likhanova@ism.ac.ru
The room-rates:
95 Euro/night, without breakfast
103 Euro/night, with breakfast
14.50 Euro for separate breakfasts
If two people stay in 1 room the room rate is 120 Euro/night (with 2 breakfasts)
Mention the EPNM-2008 symposium at your reservation. The hotel will be booked full after January, 7 2008, alternatives are not available in the direct neighborhood.
Dead Lines
Registration Form and Abstract November 30, 2007
Decision on acceptation or rejection December 31, 2007
Early registration fee December 15, 2007
Hotel reservation January 7, 2008
Second Circular April 01, 2008
Registration fee
Registration fee includes attending the conference, materials, 3 lunches, banquet, and excursion.
Early registrations (before December 15, 2007) - 400 Euro
Registration fee (after December 15, 2007) - 450 Euro
Registration fee for accompanying persons - 150 Euro
(only the banquet and excursion, no lunches nor attending the symposium)
Registration fee for students - 300 Euro
Method of payment
The attendants can sent their fee to the following TNO-bank account:
a.c. 68 84 95 583
(ING bank in the Netherlands)
IBAN NL14INGB0688495583
Under the name of:
TNO Defence, Security and Safety
registration code 032.12804 + your last name
P.O. Box 45
2280 AA Rijswijk
VAT- number NL002875718B01
An abstract should include the title, name(s) of author(s), addresses and the e-mail of corresponding author.
The text should be 1.5-spaced on 8.5 x 11 inch paper (or A4 paper) with 2.5 cm margins. Use 12-point Times New
Roman font for the main text. A corresponding author should be marked with an asterisk (*). The abstract length
is 1 standard page (250 words).
A.A. Smitha and V.V. Petrovb*
aUniversity of California, Berkeley CA, 12345 USA
bMoscow State University, Moscow, 111333 Russia
Among numerous combustion processes, most useful are those which reduce atmospheric pollutions. The free radicals
(e.g., OH) obtained in the course of combustion reactions can catch up the pollutant molecules ...etc.
Please submit abstracts via e-mail (as an attached file in the MS Word format)
to: Olga Likhanova at likhanova@ism.ac.ru
If any, you may also send your abstracts by paper mail to the address:
Prof. Yu. A. Gordopolov
ISMAN, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Institutskaya ul., 8, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, 142432 Russia
e-mail: director@ism.ac.ru
tel: +7(495) 962-8001
fax: +7(495) 962-8070
Further details (registration fee, visa application, etc.) can soon be found at our website.
Registration Form (MS Word document, 29kb)
First name | |
Middle name | |
Last name | |
Degree (title/position) | |
Institution/Organization | |
Address | |
Telephone | |
Fax | |
e-mail | |
I will participate with presentation | |
I will participate without presentation | |
Tentative title of presentation (oral/poster) | |
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