Registration Fees (VAT included)

 Before December 15, 2001After December 15, 2001
Full fees:US$ 425US$ 475
Student fees:US$ 200US$ 230

Accompanying person fees are US$ 150, and they include opening buffet, coffee breaks, lunches and symposium banquet.

Bank transfer:
Bank Leumi, Branch 875 - Technion, Haifa, 32000, Israel
Account Number 32750/36 (International Symposium SHS-2001 Technion Account 86919300)

Check in US$ payable to:
Technion-IIT, Account Number 32750/36 (SHS-2001)
Prepaid registration fees are refundable, less US$ 40 processing fee, if the organizers receive notification by January 1, 2002. Cancellation after that date will result in forfeiture of the fee; however a substitute registrant will be accepted.