O-1-01: Ignition of Heterogeneous Systems Overburdened with Infiltration
V.V. Barzykin
The validity of the mathematical models describing nonstationary transition processes and taking into account the cases of either the oxidant infiltration along a porous system due to the external pressure gradient or the gaseous reagent infiltration resulting from gasifying of one of the components of the green mixture in the heating zone of the combustion wave is evaluated.
Acknowledgement. The present study was supported by the
International Science and Technology Center (Project 355-97).
O-1-02: Mathematical Modelling Of Titanium-Carbon Mixture Ignition
V. Rosenband1, A. Aoufi2, A. Gany1
Haifa 32000, Israel
2 CNRS-LIMHP, Avenue J-B Clement, Villetaneuse 93430,
Three stages of an ignition process are being considered, which include a solid state interaction between titanium and carbon particles, titanium melting and reaction of carbon with liquid titanium. The titanium melting results in change of the system heterogeneous scale and increasing of the reaction heat release.
Mathematically a parabolic non linear coupling is being considered between two mass diffusion balances on a moving frame at a particle level and the heat balance at the macroscopic level. An implicit finite volume scheme on a moving mesh is used to discretise the non-linear system. Numerical simulations on the microscopic/macroscopic levels correlation are presented and discussed. Results of calculations are compared with known experimental data on the titanium-carbon mixture ignition.
O-1-03: Mathematical Modeling of the Process of Dissipative
A.I.Lesnikovich1, S.A.Kirillov2
1Belarus State University, Minsk , Belarus
2Institute of Technical Acoustics, Vitebsk , 210717, Belarus
O-1-04: On Attaining Maximum Output of Material Synthesis in Filtration
Combustion Waves
O.S. Rabinovich, I.G. Gurevich, P.S. Grinchuk, A.V.Luikov
A very important circumstance which should be taken into account choosing a most effective regime and which was not taken into consideration in the previous works [1,2] is that just under those conditions, when the optimization is possible, the steady-state problem for counter-current filtration combustion waves has, generally speaking, two solutions and the solution with the higher conversion degree is not stable and can not be practically realized [3].
Comparative analysis and optimization are performed within the three classes of synthesis regimes, i.e. a) co-current and counter-current single-wave regimes, b) multi-wave regimes with the same direction of the combustion wave propagation in each wave, and c) “mixed” multi-wave regimes, when the waves have different direction of propagation.
1. O.S. Rabinovich, S.N. Krasilshchikov, N.I. Stetyukevich and I.G. Gurevich. Heat and Mass Transfer in Phase and Chemical Conversions, pp. 103-115. Izd. ITMO AN BSSR, Minsk (1983).
O.S. Rabinovich, S.N. Krasilshchikov and I.G. Gurevich. J. Engng. Phys., 1984,v.46, N 1, p. 71-76.
3. O.S. Rabinovich, S.N. Krasilshchikov and I.G. Gurevich.
Heat and Mass Transfer - VII, Vol III, Heat and Mass Transfer in the
Presence of Chemical Reactions, pp. 153-158. Izd. ITMO AN BSSR, Minsk (1984).
O-1-05: Heterogeneous Mathematical Simulation of
in the Mixed of Metallic Powders
O.B. Kovalev, V.M. Fomin
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences
SD 4/1, Institutskaya Str., 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia.
O-1-06: Dynamics in Layer Models of Solid Flame Propagation
1 Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science,
Russia Academy of Science, Chernogolovka, 142 432 Russia
2 Northwestern University, Evanston, IL USA
Supported in part by NASA Grant NAG3-2209 and NSF Grants
DMS-9705670, DMS-9530937
O-1-07: Model of Surface Spin Combustion in a Hybrid System
I. Filimonov1, N. Kidin2
1Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russia Academy of Science,
Chernogolovka 142432 Russia
2Institute for Problems in Mechanics RAS, Moscow 117526
Proceeding from the common system of filtration combustion equations ( Aldushin & Merzhanov, 1988 ), in which the approach of two interpenetrating continuums for the description of processes in porous medium is used , and neglecting losses of heat outside the reacting sample the authors have developed mathematical model of surface spin combustion in a hybrid system .
Alongside with the effects of heat diffusivity the model takes into account the gas phase filtration , heterogeneous chemical interaction of the condensed fuel with an active component of the gas flow (oxidizer) , which can proceed by two alternative ways , the difference in the temperature of the gaseous and condensed phases.
The formulated problem has been solved at the limit of a negligibly weak dependence of the chemical reaction rate on the oxidizer concentration ( but not on the pressure in the system, the index of the condensed fuel conversion and temperature ) and low Semenov numbers (Se << 1) . Various ranges of the filtration Peclet numbers (Pefi) , determining the relation of filtration flows to a convection flow of the gas have been considered . In spite of the fact that in practice the Pefi numbers are rather high (Pefi >> 1) , the influence of the gas - oxidizer on the combustion wave appears to be essentially various depending on a ratio between Pefi and Se.
At infinitely large Pefi ( 1 / (Pefi)
<< Se << 1 ), the pressure can be considered as a constant
equal to the initial gas pressure everywhere and the effects of filtration
can be neglected. Therefore one can reduce the problem to investigation
of the thermal factors only ( if the effects of the reacting medium structure
and temperature on its effective heat capacity and diffusivity are negligible
) , i.e. one can obtain the classical problem of thermal spin combustion
theory ( Novozhilov, 1992, 1995 ). At moderately large Pefi
( Se << 1 / (Pefi) << 1 ) , the filtration flows
essentially affect both the pressure and temperature distribution in the
system . The work is financially supported by RFBR within the scope of
Grant N 99-03-32020a .
O-1-08: The Peculiarities of Product Structure Formation
in Combustion Wave of Low Gas Systems
Tomsk Branch of the Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, 634021, pr. Academicheskii, 10/3, Russia.
E-mail: maks@fisman.tomsk.su
Numerical modeling verified the results of analytical investigations on stepped action of the factors under consideration on product structure. The calculated dependencies of rate combustion, product macrostructure and cracking formation on the starting parameters are in good correspondence to the ones, determined analytically.
The results of theoretical analysis are in good correlation with the known experimental data.
O-1-09: Study of Kinetics of Nonisothermal Reactions
Using Cellular Automata
Institute of Technical Acoustics, Vitebsk , 210717, Belarus
O-1-10: Synchrotron Radiation in Research of SHS:
Yesterday, Now, Tomorrow
Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, 142432 Russia
1. A.G.Merzhanov. Int.J. of SHS, 1997, v.6, N 2, p.119.
2. M.A.Korchagin, S.N.Gusenko et al. In: Gorenie Kondensirovannyh i Geterogennyh System, Chernogolovka: Izd. Inst. Khim. Fiz., 1980, p.93 (Ser.: Khim. Fiz. Protsessov Goreniya i Vzryva).
3. V.V.Aleksandrov, M.A.Korchagin et. al In: Otchet o rabotah po ispol’zovaniyu sinchrotronnogo izlucheniya v IYaF SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk: IYaF, 1981, p.35.
4. V.V.Boldyrev, V.V.Aleksandrov et al. Doklady AN SSSR, 1981, v.259, N5, p.1127.
5. V.V.Aleksandrov, M.A.Korchagin B.P.Tolochko, M.A.Sheromov. Fizika Goreniya
i Vzryva, 1983, v.19, N4, p.65.
O-1-11: Intermetallic-Ceramic Composites Synthesis by SHS. Time-Resolved
2 Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (CSIC), Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain
3 Instituto Eduardo Torroja (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) has been performed in the quaternary Al-Ni-Ti-C system in order to obtain intermetallic-ceramic composites. Some of the obtained products have properties that make them very attractive for many industrial applications. They have low density, excellent oxidation resistance and high melting point (~ 1900 K). Unfortunately polycrystalline AlNi has poor ductility at room temperature and low wear resistance due to poor creep strength at high temperatures. These problems may be overcome by the use of reinforcement by aluminium oxide fibers or ceramic powders.
The Materials Science beamline (ID11) at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France has been employed to follow the reactions in-situ on a time-scale of ~ 100 milliseconds. Powder diffraction patterns were recorded in this time-interval using a high-speed CCD camera coupled to an image intensifier X-ray sensitive detector with 1000 x 1000 pixel frames. The pixel resolution is ~ 100 microns. As the reactions proceed patterns from the pre-heated, reaction front, post-heated and cooling portions of the reaction were sampled. The phases occurring during the reactions were identified and information of the reaction mechanism and the nucleation kinetics were obtained. SEM studies were used to characterize the final microstructure and EDX was used as a complement to identify the metastable phases occurring.
O-1-12: The Reaction Dynamics and Structure Formation in Shs of Tic/Fe
and Processing Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070,China
In the paper, the reaction dynamics and structure formation
in Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis(SHS) of TiC/Fe system were
studied by combustion front quenching(CFQ), thermal and ignition analysis.
It was found that in SHS process, Fe2Ti co-melted liquid formed
first, then carbon dissolved into it at high temperature and reacted with
it to form non-stoichometric TiCx. After the main reaction carbon continued
to react with TiCx during the high temperature period and formed TiCx with
a near stoichometric ratio. The flow of melted metals resulted in agglomerates
and then the TiC grains continued to grow to larger size after combustion
O-1-13: Some Peculiarities of Combustion and Structure Formation in the
Ternary Systems Ti--Si--C (Ti--SiC), Ti--Si3N4 and Ti--BN
H.E. Grigoryan, A.S. Rogachev
Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science,Russian Academy of Sciences
The optimum concentration ranges favorable for the production
of the Ti3SiC2-based ceramics during combustion were
O-1-14: Structure Formation Relationships for SHS- Iron Monoalumide
Powder Metallurgy Research Institute, 41, Platonov St., 220071, Minsk, Belarus,
Tel: (0172) 39-98-27,Fax: (0172) 32-63-40
O-1-15: Experimental Determination of Heat Release
Function for Gasless Combustion
1 Nalbandyans Institute of Chemical Physics NAS RA, Yerevan, 375044, Republic of Armenia, E-mail: Suren@ichph.sci.am
2 Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Material Sciences
RAS, Chernogolovka, 142432, Russia. E-mail:Merzh@isman0.unicon.msk.su
O-1-16: Travelling Waves of Filtration Combustion with Combined
Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Reactions.
1 Institute of Chemical Kinetics & Combustion Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia.
2 Computing Center, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia.
Among the combustion processes used in SHS purpose the important role play filtration processes with heterogeneous reaction. The allied type of gas phase combustion proceeding in an inert porous medium is filtration gas combustion. This combustion is also prospective in SHS technologies [V.S.Babkin, Pure & Appl. Chem. Vol. 65, No 2, pp. 335-344, 1993]. It is due to specific features of this type of combustion.
They are wide variety of realized combustion regimes, possibilities of controlled supplying of chemical energy to chemical reaction zone and adaptable controlling of chemical reaction rate, realization of filtration gas combustion in various in material and structure porous media. An experimental study was carried out of steady-state filtration combustion waves simultaneously occurring in catalytic heterogeneous and homogeneous gas-phase reaction (travelling hybrid waves). The hybrid wave velocities, and the maximum and equilibrium temperatures in the combustion zone were measured. It had been shown that it is possible for a hybrid wave to be transformed into a wave where either the heterogeneous or homogeneous reactions dominate, depending on whether the gas filtration velocity is decreasing or increasing. It has been further shown that, under conditions of vanishing catalytic activity of the porous medium surface, the hybrid wave is transformed into a wave with dominant homogeneous reaction. On the basis of a proposed theoretical model, a parametric analysis of the hybrid wave was carried out. An interpretation of the experimental results is presented.
The work was supported by the grant from the European
Union (INTAS - 96-1173).
O-1-17: Generalized Mathematical Model of Kinetics of Chemical
Reactions with Heat and Mass Transfer
Yu.A. Kuznetsov
State University, 23 Gagarin Avenue, Building 6, Nizhny Novgorod,
603600, Russia
1. A.G.Merzhanov. Ten Reseach Directions in the Future of SHS.Int.J. of SHS, 1995, v.4, N 4, p.323-350.
2. S.G. Vadchenco, A.G. Merzhanov . A model of heterogeneous
flame propagation. Book of abstracts. 4-th Int. Symp. SHS, Toledo Spain,
October 1997, 1997, p.48.
O-1-18: Thermodynamics of Quasi-Adiabatic SHS
2Institute of New Chemical Problems, RAS, 142432, Moscow Region, Chernogolovka, Russia.
4Department of Chemistry, Moscow State University, 119899,
Moscow, Russia.
Tc Tc
Q = Qi + ò (Ci + Ck) dT } (1) Q = QR + K * {QE +Qi + ò (7 Ci + Ck) dT } (2)
To To
Here: Q is the calorific value of mixture containing N initial substances at a rate of ni mole with summary heat capacity Ci which turn into M products at a rate of mk mole with summary heat capacity Ck; To and Tc are the initial temperature of mixture, and its ignition temperature after Mallard and LeChatelier; QR is the calorific value of the medium comprising the quasi-adiabatic cells (QC-s); K » 0.16 is Scher-Zallen’s coefficient, that is the volume fraction of QC-s in the mixture; Qi is the heat of phase transitions and chemical reactions between To and Tc for raw material, which is localized within quasi-adiabatic layer (1) or QC-s (2); QE is the appropriate heat reserves in QC-s, which must compensate the heat absorption at endothermic decomposition of oxidiser, which lies outside the QC-s (in the special case that there is a deficiency of oxidizer in QC-s and macroscopic excess of the oxidizer in all mixture).
The authors thank for support: ISF of the Soros and Government
of Russia (Grants: N9K-000, N9K-300), ISSEP (Grants: S97-638, S97-730,
S98-1752, S98-1767), FP "Integration" (Project: 2.1.-855), RFBR (Grant:
98-03-32593 a), Fraunhofer ICT (Berghausen), Russian academy of education.
O-1-19: Complex Behavior of Self-Propagating Reaction Waves
in Heterogeneous Media
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
Since the SRW mode occurs in systems where at least one
reactants melts, it is expected to be the prevalent mode for gasless reaction
wave propagation in heterogeneous media.
1.Mukasyan A.S., Hwang S., Rogachev A.S., Sytchev A.E., Merzhanov A.G., and Varma A., Combust. Sci. Tech., 1996, v. 115, p. 335-353.
2.Hwang S., Mukasyan A.S., Rogachev A.S., and Varma A., Combust. Sci. Tech., 1997, v. 123, p.165-183.
3.Hwang S., Mukasyan A.S., and Varma A., Combust. Flame, 1998, v. 115, p.354-363.
4.Varma A., Rogachev A.S, Mukasyan A.S., and Hwang S., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1998, v. 95, p.11053-11058.
O-1-20: Microscopic Mechanisms of Pulsating Combustion in Gasless Systems
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA
For Nb-B and Ta-C systems, experiments show unequivocally that the cause of oscillations has microstructural nature: cracks form periodically just ahead of the combustion front, resulting in hesitation of its movement. For example, in the Nb+2B system (dNb=5 mm, dB=0.1 mm; porosity = 50%) the space frequency of cracks appearance is about 2/mm. The reaction front propagates uniformly between cracks, with velocity 100 mm/s, and then it stops at the crack for ~0.3 s. After this hesitation, the reaction wave initiates again at the other side of the crack and the cycle repeats.
The crack-induced oscillations described above
are qualitatively different from those observed in other systems, such
as Ti+xC mixtures, with x<0.6. For example, in Ti+0.4C mixture, we have
observed periodic extinction of the combustion wave followed by ignition
of the unreacted layer ahead of the front. The delay between extinction
of the previously burned layer and initiation of the next is about 0.1
s. In this case, no cracks appear in the sample and the reaction follows
the scintillation reaction wave mode [2]. Therefore, we may conclude that
in this case oscillations occur because the heat of reaction is not high
enough to maintain a steady propagation of the reaction wave (so-called
thermo-kinetic oscillations).
1.Mukasyan A.S., Hwang S., Rogachev A.S., Sytchev A.E., Merzhanov A.G., and Varma A., Combust. Sci. Tech., 1996, v.115, p. 335-353.
2.Varma A., Rogachev A.S, Mukasyan A.S., and Hwang S.,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1998,v. 95, p.11053-11058
O-1-21: Structure of Hcs and its Influence on Combustion Wave
117977 Moscow, Kosygin St.4, Institute of Chemical Physics RAS, Russia
Combustion of HCS-SHS is a complex multistage process depending on many parameters and characterizing by some peculiarities :burning rate dependence on a particle size ,non-simultaneous burn-out of the components, combustion limit of combustion, agglomeration and dispergation of condense phase, destruction and phase transition on combustion wave ,etc.
All the phenomena are interconnected and result in the combustion wave formation and its propagation with certain burning rate. The order and completeness of deflagration and chemical reaction in the combustion wave depend on not only system energy, but on a composite structure.
Problem of the non-simultaneous burn-out of the HSC-SHS components was investigated in different aspects , but there is no study of the combustion front shape with point of view the sample initial structure. Intuitive impression of the chaotic structure and non uniformity of combustion front was used to plane combustion surface .
Present paper is focused on the structure of HCS sample and its influence on the peculiarities of formation combustion front. Some phenomenological aspects are analyzed on base of fractal and percolation theory. Fractal dimension could be a one of key point of the non-simultaneous combustion process investigation.
Novel computer program is used to analyze of combustion
front optical imaginations of the combustion propagation . It permit to
receive the connection between the green structure of the sample and color
card of combustion front . The brightness of the image could be attributed
to the certain temperature level. The information which is produced by
fractal analysis give opportunity to reconstruct the temperature-time history
of any point of combustion sample.
O-1-22: A New Combustion Mode in SHS: Reverse Burning Phenomenon
Chien-Chong Chen
Department of Chemical Engineering National Chung Cheng University
Chia-Yi 621, Taiwan
A new combustion mode: reverse burning phenomenon was
observed during the synthesis of Zirconium-based materials. When an external
heat was applied to one end of a green pellet, surprisely, the ignition
was ignited at the other end. Moreover, the ignition position, measured
from the heated end, was proportional to the apparent green density of
the pellet. The underlying cause was found to be a combination of nonuniform
density distribution, heat transfer and oxidation of Zirconium.
O-1-23: Combustion synthesis of Al0.25-xNixTi0.75 (0 £ x £ 0.1)
by Time Resolved X-Ray Diffraction
1 Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide Minéral, UMR 7555, Groupe Thermodynamique Métallurgique Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy1, Faculté des sciences, BP 239, F54506 VANDOEUVRE CEDEX, France
2 Laboratoire de Recherche sur la Réactivité des Solides, UMR 5613, Groupe Matériaux à Grains Fins Université de Bourgogne, UFR Sciences et Techniques, BP 400, f21011 DIJON CEDEX, France
3 Laboratoire d'Ingéniérie des Matériaux et des Hautes Pressions, UPR 1311, CNRS - Université Paris Nord Institut Galilée, F93430 Villetaneuse, France
Our main results are:
Ä the observation of an intermediate phase (Ti b ) during few seconds.
Ä the influence of nickel on the formation of AlTi3.
Complementary observations by electron microprobe analysis
showed the occurrence of a eutectoid reaction : the formation of AlTi3
+ NiTi2.
Experimental setup in the LURE, Orsay, France.
O-1-24: Effect of Impurities on Wave Propagation and Reaction Mechanism
V.M. Shkiro, A.S Rogachev
Chernogolovka, 142432, Russia, E-mail: shkirov@ism.ac.ru
O-1-25: The Absorption of Active Gases by Nonevaporating Getters on the Base
of Intermetallides in Combustion
Tomsk Branch of the Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science,
Russian Academy of SciencesTomsk, 634021, pr. Academicheskii, 10/3, Russia.
E-mail: maks@fisman.tomsk.su
High efficiency and reliability of getters mean of evacuation create prerequisites for their more wide use in practical purpose in solving of a number of ecological problems, combined with trapping and absorption of harmful and toxic gases.
But high concentration of gaseous phase requires the conduction of special investigations, since at gas phase pressure ³ 106 Pa, the interaction has already proceeded in un-exthothermic conditions of SHS wave [1]. Sherefore in the present paper the investigation of gas absorption by non-evaporating getters under normal conditions (P » 760 torr, 105 Pa) in air is carried out. The gas absorption was investigated in closed valume in combustion. The degree of gas absorption (sorption capacity) was determined by the residue gas pressure and was controlled by gain in weight of samples.
The investigations conducted, showed that among non-evaporating getters on the titanium base, pure titanium has best sorption properties and provide residual pressure of 2,2x104 Pa (230 torr), gain in weight 13,5 - 14%, sorption capacity (the amount of gas absorbed) - 89 L× torr/g.
Among the non-evaporating zirconium-based getters Zr+16%Al alloy on the base of zirconium aluminides, i.e. obtained by SHS method showed the best absorption properties. Residual pressure on the alloy, being melted = 2x104 Pa (210 torr), gain in weight 18%, sorption capacity 129 L× torr/g, and on SHS alloy the pressure was 225 torr, and sorption capacity was 123 L× torr/g.
The residual pressure obtained were achieved as the result of gas absorption up to the complete getters cooling. But in use of more large samples ( ~ 50 g) it appeared, that gas absorption in layer-to-layer combustion goes on Zr-Al, as lighting zone, up to the pressure of 315 torr, and then the absorption as lighting zone put to an end and occurs already due to the volumeric interaction up to the pressure of 210 torr. The obtained values of sorbtion capacity in the front were equal to 61,4 L× torr/g (Zr-Al) and 47 L× torr/g (Ti), that corresponds to appr. 50% of sorptiom ability realization.
The effect of porosity and dispersivity on gas absorption
was also investigated in the work and phase composition of gas products
was determined.
1. Merzhanov A.G., Borovinskaya I.P., Volodin Yu.Ye. About combustion
mechanism of porous metal samples in nitrogen. Dokl. AN SSS, 1972,v.206, N 4,
p. 905.
O-1-26: Combustion of Al under a Nitrogen Pressure up to
200 ÌPa (Mechanism, Synthesis of Items Properties)
V.E. Loryan, I.P. Borovinskaya
Chernogolovka, 142432, Russia
It is shown that at SHS of aluminum nitride and composite materials based on it (AlN–MenOm, AlN–TiB2) the combustion proceeds with formation of aluminum nitride melt in combustion zone.
A method of direct synthesis of items (bricks and plates) has been developed. It is shown that the specific feature of the item structure is existence of a matrix of melted aluminum nitride. In particular, the structure of AlN–TiB2 composite material makes up a matrix of melted aluminum nitride with inclusions of titanium diboride grains. Porosity is 25¸ 20% for items of pure aluminum nitride and below 7% for items of AlN–TiB2 composite materials.
Mechanical, thermal and electrical characteristics of
synthesized materials were studied. Refractoriness, heat resistance and
resistance of AlN–TiB2 in aggressive metallurgical atmospheres
also were studied. It is shown that characteristics of this material are
comparable to those of currently applied for production of main refractory
O-1-27: Study on the Reaction Models of SHS in Al-TiO2-C System
Zeng Songyan, Zhang Erlin, Yang Bo
National Key laboratory of Precise Heat processing of Metal
P.O.Box 428, Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, 150001 P.R.China
The combustion characteristic in Al-TiO2-C system has been investigated by computer image collecting and date processing technique. It has been shown that there are three kinds of combustion models of SHS in Al-TiO2-C system: stable plane combustion, unstable multiple-point combustion model and unstable single-point combustion model. With the addition of dilute, such as TiC and Al2O3, the combustion model changes from unstable multiple-point combustion model to unstable single-point combustion model. With the increasing of preheat temperature, the combustion model changes from unstable multiple-point combustion model to stable plant combustion model. Then analyses have been done on the combustion behavior on the basis of thermodynamics and kinetics. The results have shown that the reason for the change of reaction model is due to the change of the reaction enthalpy and the inhomogeneity of the reaction in the reaction front. In addition, a mathematic model has been built and numerical simulation has been done. The calculation results were in good agreement with the experimental results. In the end, based on the experimental research and theory analyses, a SHS figure in this system which displaying the change law of the reaction model has been made.