Scientific Program

  1. Invited lectures on modern problems of materials science
  2. Mini-reviews on the current topics in SHS
  3. Keynote lectures to be delivered in Sections
  4. Round-table discussions on the lines of advanced research and development
  5. pdfFinal Scientific Program February 7, 2002 new!
  6. The Israeli-Russian Combustion Workshop will be held on February 19, 2002 within the framework of the Symposium

1. Modern Problems of Materials Science
1.1.F. Aldinger (Germany)Nanocrystalline Ceramics by Solid State Thermolysis of Metalorganic Polymers
1.2.R. Brook (UK)Trends in Ceramic Materials Development into the Third Millenium
1.3.R.W. Cahn (UK)Contaminants, Additives and Dopants in Modern Materials Science
1.4.R. Tenne (Israel)Inorganic Nanotubes and Inorganic Fuleren-like Materials from Layered Compounds: Synthesis, Properties and Application

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2. Mini-Reviews
2.1.J. Puszynski (USA)Kinetics and Thermodynamics of SHS Reactions
2.2.Yu. M. Maksimov (Russia)SHS in Electric and Magnetic Fields
2.3.F. Bernard (France)Mechanical Alloying in SHS Research
2.4.Sheng Yin (China)SHS-Produced Composite Materials

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3. Keynote Lectures to be Delivered in Sections

To date, the following lecturers have given their consent:

3.1.M. Barsoum (USA)Ductile, Machinable Ternary Carbides and Nitrides: a New Class of Solids; Polycrystalline Nanolaminates
3.2.N. Claussen (Germany)Reactive Casting of Ceramic Composites
3.3.C. C. GE (China)Present Status and Trends of SHS FGM
3.4.K. Hirota (Japan)Spark Plasma Sintering of Several Intermetallic Compounds Prepared by SHS
3.5.B. J. Matkowsky (USA)On the Dynamics of Hot Spots in SHS Wave Propagation
3.6.Y. Miyamoto, et al (Japan)Development of Cybermaterials Engineering
3.7.John J. Moore (USA)The Effect of Gravity on the Combustion Synthesis of Advanced Materials
3.8.R. Pampuch and J. Lis (Poland)SHS-Synthesis of Complex Ceramic Materials and Their Properties
3.9.E. N. Rumanov (Russia)Critical Phenomena at Autowave Propagation
3.10.K. G. Shkadinskii (Russia)Mutual Interdependence between SHS Reaction and Gas Infiltration during Thermal Explosion
3.11.A. S. Shteinberg (Russia)Electrothermal Explosion (ETE) Method to Study the Kinetics of Fast High- Temperature Reactions in Condensed Systems
3.12.Run-Zhang Yuan (China)SHS TiB2 Based Multiphase Ceramics and Composites

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4. Round-Table Discussions
4.1.V. V. Barzykin (Russia),
I. Gotman (Israel)
Thermal Explosion
4.2.J.-C. Gachon (France),
A. S. Rogachev (Russia)
Phase and Structure Transformations in SHS Processes
4.3.I. P. Borovinskaya (Russia),
R. Pampuch (Poland)
SHS Ceramics: Synthesis and Application
4.4.S. Zhang (China),
V. I. Yukhvid (Russia)
Gravitational SHS Technology
4.5.(to be specified)SHS and Education

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RDT-1 Thermal Explosion
Chairmen: V. V. Barzykin (Russia),
I. Gotman (Israel)


  • Can the thermal explosion (TE) be regarded as a kind of SHS?
  • When synthesis should be carried out in the TE mode?
  • Comparative characterization of materials prepared by TE and in the combustion wave
  • Do you find correct the experimental techniques used for investigating the TE (in terms of the theory of heat transfer)? What are the ways for their improving?
  • What are the means of control for TE?
  • Is there any external influence (mechanical or energetic) on TE?
  • What are the perspectives for the theory of TE (in view of technological applications of the process)?

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RDT-2 Phase and Structure Transformations in SHS Processes
Chairmen: J.-C. Gachon (France),
A. S. Rogachev (Russia)


  • Are you satisfied with the existing experimental techniques for investigating structure and phase transformations during SHS?
  • What are the limitations for their application?
  • Do you find correct the data obtained by time-resolved x-ray diffraction (data retrieval from the side surface)?
  • What are the ways for creating high-speed quenching devices (for investigating fast-burning systems)?
  • Is it possible to suggest an experimental setup for continuous monitoring of the porosity and grain size in the combustion wave?
  • What is relation between chemical reactions, phase transitions, and structural transformations during SHS?
  • What is a proper mathematical modeling of SHS (including the stages of combustion, structure formation, etc.)?

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RDT-3 SHS ceramics: synthesis and application
Chairmen: I. P. Borovinskaya (Russia),
R. Pampuch (Poland)


  • What are the best chemical roots for SHS of ceramics?
  • What is the role of aggregation changes (melting, dissolution, crystallization, gas formation, condensation) in the mechanism of combustion and product formation?
  • What are the reserves for cost-effective production and extending the range of SHS ceramics?
  • What are the best ways for initiating a low-caloric ceramic-producing SHS processes (on retention of economic efficiency)?
  • What is the difference between SHS-produced and conventionally manufactured ceramics?
  • Can we compare the data obtained in the following two ways:
    (1) synthesis of powder and its subsequent consolidation (sintering, hot pressing, etc)
    (2) net-shape SHS production?
  • What restrains SHS production of ceramics?
  • What are the perspectives for further R & D of SHS ceramics?

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RDT-4 Gravitational SHS Technologies
Chairmen: S. Zhang (China),
V. I. Yukhvid (Russia)


  • What is the objective for the use of artificial (centrifugal) gravity and when this technique may turn out applicable in SHS?
  • What are the real achievements in the field?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of existing centrifugal facilities?
  • How can we increase the overload?
  • Is it possible to attain an overload about 104g?
    What problems can be solved with this technique?
  • What is the gain from SHS studies in microgravity?
  • Is SHS technology in microgravity realistic?

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RDT-5 SHS and Education
Chairmen: (to be specified)

Questionnaire: (to be specified)

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