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A.G. Merzhanov has become a honorary doctor of the Rostov State University


A.G. Merzhanov has become a honorary doctor of the Rostov State University

The Rostov State University has elected Prof. A.G. Merzhanov its honorary doctor for outstanding achievements " the field of physical kinetics and thermal explosion".

A diploma of Honorary doctor was handed to A.G. Merzhanov by Prof. A.V. Belokon', University rector, on April 23, 2004. In his return word, Prof. Merzhanov actually gave an account of his activities since leaving the alma mater 50 years ago. A well-illustrated presentation was easily accepted by a mixed audience.

On April 26, Prof. Merzhanov visited the Institute of Physics (IP), Rostov State University, and got acquainted with some recently commercialized products (Mosbauer spectrometer, piezoceramics) and delivered a review lecture on solid-flame combustion and SHS and their contribution to the materials science and the chemical engineering of inorganic materials. Prof. V.P. Sakhnenko, director IP, and Prof. Merzhanov have discussed the prospects and schedule for further cooperation (exchange by people, visits, youth program, etc.).

Prof. Merzhanov had also meetings with some of his university mates that live and work in the city of Rostov.

I.S. Zakieva