PSPCP Lab Experimental Methods
- Refractory Single Crystal Growth by Plasma Arc Melting (PAM)
PAM is a crucible-free liquid-phase method. The direct and indirect electric arcs initiated by the plasma generator in an inert gas atmosphere are used as a heat source. Electric arc and plasma flow provide the melt pool formation on the top of the starting rod (seed), which is the anode for the direct electric arc. The melt pool is formed by thecapillary mechanism.
- SHS of Long Sized Samples in Shells
The rods are synthesized from a green mixture pressed in long-sized (L/d>>1) heat-resistant and heat-irresistant shells. Synthesis is performed in a special installation in the inert atmosphere. The changes in the sample and shell temperatures are recorded and the combustion velocity and temperature, the impurity gas specific content, the impurity gas pressure in the combustion wave are measured.
- High Uniform Pressing of the Green Mixture into the Long Sized Shell
This is the method of layer-by-layer pressing for production of long-sized (L/d>>1) uniform compacts. The method is based on successive compression of the extremely thin powder layers. The high levels of the compact density and homogeneity are achieved at low specific compaction energy of the single layer.
- Electro Thermal Explosion (ETE)
It permits to investigate a mechanism and kinetic of high-temperature high-speed exothermical reactions in heterogeneous condensed systems, at temperatures up to 4000 K with characteristic conversion times less than 1 ms. ETE is heating reactable sample by direct passing of a electrical current through it with instant interruption of electric current at the moment of self-ignition starts and optical registration in a time of sample temperature.
- The research of ETE in a model foil sample with constant reactable surface
The researched sample are produced from thin foil of reactants, rolled - up in roll. Thus, the easy fusible component of a system at melting spread on a surface of other component, but the area of contact remains constant up to a moment of melting of a refractory component.