На главную страницу ИСМАН Лаборатория рентгено-структурных исследований

Заведующий лабораторией
к.ф.-м.н. В.И.Пономарев

Область исследований
Fields of Research
  • Investigation of poly- and monocrystal materials by all methods of X-ray diffraction in wide temperature region:

  • - x-ray phase analysis;
    - calculation of the monocrystal structures;
    - crystal-chemical analysis.
  • Investigation of the mechanism and kinetics of solids reactions at atom- crystal structure level:

  • - study of crystal structures moving;
    - investigation of the fast structure-chemistry transformations using "time resolved x-ray diffraction” method at a resolution time of 0.1 s;
    - study of phase-forming dynamics during SHS in the special reaction cell at diffractometer with control conditions (composition, temperature, pressure and gas enviropment);
    - creation of the new materials in reaction cell with x-ray control (structure conversion, temperature dependence, olding, material perfect).