Область исследований
Basic Published Works
P.M.Krishenik, E.N.Rumanov, K.G.Shkadinskii "Modeling of Combustion Wave
Propagation in a Carbon Dust/Gas Mixture", Combustion anf Flame, 1994, pp.713-722.
A.P.Aldushin, B.J.Matkovsky, D.A.Schult "Buoyence Driven Filtration Combustion",
Comb.Sci. Tech., v,125, 1997, pp.283-349.
B.S.Seplyarskii and P.M.Krishenik, "The Analytical Method of Calculation
of the Time Characteristics of the Gaseous Suspension Ignition with a Heated
Body", Proc. 17th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions
and Reactive Systems., July 25-30, Heidelberg, Germany, 1999, pp.79-84.
A.P.Aldushin, B.J.Matkovsky, "Stretch and Compression of Solid Flames",
‘Int’l. J.SHS, v.4, 1995, pp.5-23.
S.V.Maklakov, R.G.Aivazyan, V.V.Azatyan, P.V.Zhirkov, S.F.Satunkina "The
Critical Transition between Phase Formation Modes in the Pyrolysis of Silane",
Mendeleev Communication,1995, pp.120-123.
K.G.Shkadinskii, N.I.Ozerkovskaya, V.V.Chernetsova The gas-transport Macrokinetics
Mechanism in the Solid Flame, Dokl, Akad.Nauk, v.355, N2, 1997, pp.211-213.
V.I.Goldanskii, A.G.Merzhanov, E.N.Rumanov "Thermal Behaviar of Grains
under the Exposure by UV-Radiation", Astrophys.J., v.472, N2, 1996,
E.N.Rumanov, A.G.Merzhanov "Effect of a Gasifing Inert Additive on the
Wave of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, Combt.Explos. Shock
Waves", v.33, N5, 1997, pp.122-138.
Recent Publications
A.P.Aldushin, B.J.Matkovsky, "Fingering and the Saffman-Taylor Problem
in Filtration Combustion", Comb. Sci. and Tech, v.133, pp.293-344, 1998.
A.P.Aldushin "Filtration Combustion", in Advances in Combustion Science:
in Honor of Ya.B.Zeldovich, Eds.Sirignano, W.A.Merzhanov, A.G.Deluka, v.173
in Progress in Aeronautics and Austronautics, AIAA, Boston, v.173 , pp.95-115,1997.
V.I.Yukhvid, S.V.Maklakov, P.V.Zhirkov, V.A.Gorshkov, N.I.Timokhin, A.Y.Dovzhenko
"Combustion Synthesis and Structure Formation in a model self
propagating high-temperature synthesis system", Journal of Material Science,
1997, pp.1915-1924.
K.G.Shkadinskii, N.I.Ozerkovskaya, A.N.Firsov, Burning of Powder Mixtures
in a Rotating Tubular Duct, Chem.Phys.Reports, v.16, pp.1817-1888, 1998.
A.Yu.Dovzhenko, I.E.Rumanov, E.N.Rumanov, "Evaporation Wave in Superheated
Liquid", Physics-Doklady, v.335, N5, pp.102-110, 1999.
A.G.Merzhanov, E.N.Rumanov, "Physics of Reaction Waves", Rev.Mod.Phys.,
v.71, N4, 1999.
S.E.Zakiev, K.G.Shkadinskii, "Thermal Action of HF Eloktromagnetic Field
on the SHS Wave", Khim.Fiz., 1998, vol.17, N10, pp.112-120.
P.M.Krishenik, I.A.Petrov, K.G.Shkadinskii "Modeling of Ignition of Combustion
of Dust\Air Mixture in an Enclosed Volume" Proc. 17th
International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems,
July 25-30, Heidelberg, Germany, pp.113-120, 1999.