Monday, August 30, 2004
10.00–10.30 |
Opening ceremony [Lecture Hall 1]
Co-chairmen: B.Haynes, N.Kidin
PL01 |
10.30–11.20 |
A.G. Merzhanov. Ya. B. Zel’dovich fundamental contribution to
combustion and detonation theory. |
11.20–11.40 |
Coffee-break |
PL02 |
11.40–12.20 |
G.I. Barenblatt. Incomplete similarity: from combustion to turbulence. |
PL03 |
12.20–13.00 |
B.S. Haynes, K. Sendt. Mechanism of carbon oxidation and
gasification. |
13.00–14.00 |
Lunch |
Session 1 |
(Lecture Hall 1) Thermal Explosion, Ignition
Co-chairmen: D.Meinkoehn, E.Rumanov |
OP01 |
14.00–14.25 |
D. Meinkoehn. Metal particle ignition and oxide layer instability. |
OP02 |
14.25–14.50 |
A.D. Margolin. Local ignition of anisotropic bodies by a heat flow. |
OP03 |
14.50–15.15 |
E.N. Rumanov. Theory of thermal explosion. New ideas and results. |
OP04 |
15.15–15.40 |
V.A. Sobolev. Critical conditions for self-ignition in systems with lumped and distributed parameters. |
15.40–15.55 |
Coffee-break |
OP05 |
15.55–16.20 |
K.G. Shkadinsky, N.I. Ozerkovskaya,A.G. Merzhanov. Dynamics of thermal explosion in “porous media–gas reagent–solid product” systems. |
OP06 |
16.20–16.45 |
A.N. Baratov. The influence of free convection on flammability limit. |
OP07 |
16.45–17.10 |
S.M. Frolov. Ignition and combustion of hydrocarbon fuel drops. |
OP08 |
17.10–17.35 |
A.G. Knyazeva. Application of combustion theory to simulation of technology processes. |
OP09 |
17.35–18.00 |
A.Yu. Krainov, E.R. Shrager. Flame propagation over non-uniformly methane – coal – air suspension. |
Session 2 |
(Lecture Hall 2) Kinetics, Ecology
Co-chairmen: V.Azatyan, A.Konnov |
OP10 |
14.00–14.25 |
V.V. Azatyan. Chemical control of gas-phase processes of explosion and detonation. |
OP11 |
14.25–14.50 |
A.A. Mantashyan. The use of slow combustion of hydrocarbon fuels for homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical conversion. Kinetic features. |
OP12 |
14.50–15.15 |
Z.A. Mansurov. Low temperature cool sooting flames of hydrocarbons. |
OP13 |
15.15–15.40 |
P.A. Tesner, V.G. Knorre. Soot formation during isothermal pyrolysis and under acetylene detonation. |
15.40–15.55 |
Coffee-break |
OP14 |
15.55–16.20 |
S.S. Novikov. Ecological problems of combustion and explosions in Ya.B. Zeldovich investigations. |
OP15 |
16.20–16.45 |
I.K. Krasyuk, P.P. Pashinin, A.Yu. Semenov, V.E. Fortov.
Spallation phenomena at high strain rates caused by a laser-induced shock wave. |
OP16 |
16.45–17.10 |
H.-N. Presles, D. Desbordes. Non-ideal behaviour of multi-headed self-sustained gaseous detonation. |
OP17 |
17.10–17.35 |
A.A. Konnov. The relative importance of different routes forming NO in flames. |
OP18 |
17.35–18.00 |
O.P.Korobeinichev, V.M. Shvartsberg, A.G. Shmakov, D.A. Knyazkov,
I.V. Rybitskaya, T.M. Jayaweera, C.F. Melius, W.J. Pitz, C.K. Westbrook, H. Curran.
Flame inhibition by phosphorus-containing compounds in lean and rich CH4 and C3H8 flames. |
Session 3 |
(Lecture Hall 3) Workshop.Combustion of nano-aluminium.
Chairman: I.Gokalp |
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Lectures (Lecture Hall 1)
Co-chairmen: S. Losev, A.Sakurai |
PL04 |
9.30–10.10 |
V.E. Fortov. Strong shock and detonation waves for study of extreme states of matter. |
PL05 |
10.10–10.50 |
R.N. Keeler. Zel'dovich, Kolmogorov, Sakharov and Al'tshuler –Western views of Russian accomplishments. |
10.50–11.05 |
Coffee-break |
PL06 |
11.05–11.45 |
G.G. Chernyi. Initiation and propagation of detonation waves in unconfined space. |
PL07 |
11.45–12.25 |
A. Kuhl. Thermodynamics and gasdynamics of combustion in a confined explosion. |
PL08 |
12.25–13.05 |
A. Sakurai, K. Nakamitsu. A weak solution of point source blast wave problem. |
13.05–14.00 |
Lunch |
Session 4 |
(Lecture Hall 1) Explosion, Detonation, Extreme States, Shock Waves
Co-chairmen: G.Kanel, A.Kuhl |
OP19 |
14.00–14.25 |
V.A. Levin. Propagation of detonation waves in electric and magnetic fields. |
OP20 |
14.25–14.50 |
A.A. Vasil’ev. State-of-the-art of initiation problem and ways of its optimization. |
OP21 |
14.50–15.15 |
N.M. Kuznetsov. Nonideal detonation of condensed explosives: the large diameter asymptotic. |
OP22 |
15.15–15.40 |
S. Takahashi. Existence theorem for the point source blast wave equation |
15.40–15.55 |
Coffee-break |
OP23 |
15.55–16.20 |
R.Sorin, R.Zitoun , D.Desbordes, B.A.Khasainov. Detonation transmission through a sudden increase of tube diameter. |
OP24 |
16.20–16.45 |
R.N. Keeler. "Can the Chapman-Jouguet hypothesis be verified directly?" |
OP25 |
16.45–17.10 |
N.N. Smirnov. Deflagration to detonation transition in gases: Scenario and models. |
OP26 |
17.10–17.35 |
S.A. Losev, M.Yu. Pogosbekian, E.V. Kustova, E.A. Nagnibeda.
The level description of physical and chemical processes in strong shock waves. |
OP27 |
17.35–18.00 |
V.S. Trofimov. Synthesis of V.A. Michel’son and Ya. B. Zel’dovich theories. |
Session 5 |
(Lecture Hall 2) Workshop.Energy concentration in combustion waves.
Chairman: V.Babkin |
W2-1 |
14.00–14.20 |
T.P. Ivleva, A.G.Merzhanov. Mathematical simulation of three -dimensional unstable solid-flame combustion.
W2-2 |
14.20–14.40 |
V.N. Marshakov, A.G. Istratov. Wave structure of solid-propellant combustion front. |
W2-3 |
14.40–15.00 |
B.V. Novozhilov. Chaotic combustion of solid propellants. |
W2-4 |
15.00-15.20 |
U.I. Goldshleger, S.D. Amosov. On the nature of combustion spin
waves. |
W2-5 |
15.20-15.40 |
A.S. Noskov, N.A. Chumakova, V.A. Chumachenko, A.N. Zagoruiko. Phenomenon of heat wave propagation and catalytic processes
performance. |
15.40–16.00 |
Coffee-break |
W2-6 |
16.00-16.20 |
N.A. Chumakova, O.P. Klenov, V.I. Drobyshevich, P.G. Tsyrulnikov,
E.V. Sazhenkova, L.V. Yausheva, A.S. Noskov. High temperature heat production under catalytic oxidation of lean methane-air
mixtures. |
W2-7 |
16.20-16.40 |
S.V. Glazov, G.S. Yakovleva, A.V. Timofeev, G.B. Manelis. Filtration Combustion of Graphite:
Experimental. |
W2-8 |
16.40-17.00 |
E.A. Salgansky, E.V. Polianczyk, G.B. Manelis. Modeling of the filtration combustion of
carbon. |
W2-9 |
17.00-17.20 |
Wierzba, L. B. Younis. Modeling the catalytic oxidation of methane-air mixtures within a packed bed
reactor. |
W2-10 |
17.20-17.40 |
A. Aldushin. Superadiabatic effect in
combustion. |
W2-11 |
17.40-18.00 |
J. Ahn, J. Kuo, C. Eastwood, P. D. Ronney. Excess enthalpy combustion for microscale power
generation. |
18.00-19.00 |
Round Table. Future of the combustion theory.
Chairman: G.Barenblatt |
Session 6 |
(Lecture Hall 3) Workshop.Combustion of nano-aluminium.
Chairman: I.Gokalp |
Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Lectures (Lecture Hall 1)
Co-chairmen: A.Aldushin, J.Vantelon |
PL09 |
9.30–10.10 |
S.S. Cardoso, A.N. Hayhurst, P.C. Kan, K.K. Savjani.
The effect of natural convection on the gas-phase Sal’nikov reaction P -> A-> B in a cooled and closed spherical vessel. |
PL10 |
10.10–10.50 |
G.I. Kanel, V.E. Fortov. Shock waves in the physics of condensed matter. |
10.50–11.05 |
Coffee-break |
PL11 |
11.05–11.45 |
E.M. Bazelyan, Yu.P. Raizer. Destructive lightning discharge and remarkable analogy of electrical process with nonlinear thermal wave
of nuclear explosion. |
PL12 |
11.45–12.25 |
R.P. Lindstedt. High temperature pathways to poly-aromatic hydrocarbons. |
PL13 |
12.25–13.05 |
J.P. Vantelon. Determination of the characteristics of the thin-layer boilover. |
13.05–14.00 |
Lunch |
Session 7 |
(Lecture Hall 1) Variety.
Co-chairmen: A.Borisov, S.Wojcicki |
OP28 |
14.00–14.25 |
S. Wojcicki, V.P. Korobeinikov, I.V. Semenov, V.V. Markov.
Energodynamic analysis of an electrochemical pulse detonation engine: A case study of an autocyclomaton. |
OP29 |
14.25–14.50 |
V.A. Benderskii. Contribution by Ya.B. Zel’dovich to quantum mechanics. |
OP30 |
14.50–15.15 |
A.Yu. Starikovskii. Plasma supported combustion. |
OP31 |
15.15–15.40 |
A.A. Borisov, K.Ya. Troshin, P.A. Vlasov,I.V. Bilera, Yu.A. Kolbanovskii. The study of the gas-phase methane conversion into synthesis gas. The role of carbon microheterogeneous particle formation. |
OP32 |
15.40–16.05 |
S.T. Surzhikov. Nonequilibrium radiation of strong shock waves for aerospace applications. |
Session 8 |
(Lecture Hall 2) Fires
Co-chairmen: I.Bolodian, S.Yakush |
OP33 |
14.00–14.25 |
G.M.Makhviladze, S.E. Yakush. Accidental fuel releases into the atmosphere. |
OP34 |
14.25–14.50 |
I.A. Bolodian, A.V. Karpov. Convective flows of combustion products in full-scaled fires in tunnels. |
OP35 |
14.50–15.15 |
V.B. Novozhilov. Flame suppression. |
OP36 |
15.15–15.40 |
S.S. Rybanin. Flame spread above combustible material surface in an opposite oxidizing flow. |
OP37 |
15.40–16.05 |
A.N. Zolotko, Ya.I. Vovchuk, V.G. Shevchuk, N.I. Poletaev. Ignition and combustion of dispersed heterogeneous systems. |
Session 9 |
Lecture Hall 3) Workshop.Energy concentration in combustion waves.
Chairman: V.Babkin |
W2-12 |
14.00-14.20 |
S.S. Rybanin. Superadiabatic burning waves in acroheterogeneous
systems. |
W2-13 |
14.20-14.40 |
V.S. Babkin. Thermally thin system for study surface diffusion flames with energy
excess. |
W2-14 |
14.40-15.00 |
A.M. Bartenev, B.E.Gelfand. Initiation of combustion phenomena by shock waves focusing in reactive
media. |
W2-15 |
15.00-15.20 |
D.V. Strunin. Phenomenological approach to unstable detonation and solid-phase combustion: 3D spinning
waves. |
W2-16 |
15.20-15.40 |
A.V. Becker, E.V. Polianczyk. Non-unequeness of stationary modes of filtration
combustion. |
W2-17 |
15.40-16.00 |
I.A.Filimonov,N.I. Kidin. Thermal effect of an external electric field on high-temperature combustion
synthesis. |
Thursday, September 2, 2004
Lectures |
(Lecture Hall 1)
Co-chairmen: A.Lipanov, G.Manelis |
PL14 |
9.30–10.10 |
R.I. Nigmatulin Nanoscale bubble thermonuclear fusion in acoustically cavitated deutorated liquid . |
PL15 |
10.10–10.50 |
A.L. Mikhailov. Explosion initiation and evolution in condensed high explosives under external stimulation. Modern experimental
approaches and results. |
10.50–11.05 |
Coffee-break |
PL16 |
11.05–11.45 |
A.M. Lipanov, V.I. Kodolov, G.A. Korabliov, N.V. Khohriakov.
Numerical simulation of physical and chemical processes in the heated layer during combustion of solid rocket propellant. |
PL17 |
11.45–12.25 |
G.B. Manelis. Self-ignition and combustion of heterogeneous systems. Superadiabatic modes. |
PL18 |
12.25–13.05 |
A. Gany. Energy and thermodynamic aspects of boron-containing solid fuel combustion. |
13.05–14.00 |
Lunch |
Session 10 |
(Lecture Hall 1) Solid Propellants, Filtration Combustion, SHS
Co-chairmen: L.DeLuca, Yu.Gordopolov |
OP38 |
14.00–14.25 |
L.T. DeLuca. Ballistic properties of Dual-Oxidizer solid rocket propellants. |
OP39 |
14.25–14.50 |
O.S. Rabinovich, P.S. Grinchuk. Percolation effects during heterogeneous mixtures burning with random distribution of fuel. |
OP40 |
14.50–15.15 |
V.E. Zarko, L. K. Gusachenko, A.D. Rychkov. Numerical modeling non-stationary combustion of evaporated energetic materials. |
OP41 |
15.15–15.40 |
I.G. Assovsky. Development of of Zel’dovich ideas in interior ballistics. |
15.40–15.55 |
Coffee-break |
OP42 |
15.55–16.20 |
Yu.A. Gordopolov. Search for gasless detonations. |
OP43 |
16.20–16.45 |
A.S. Rogachev. Discrete waves of gasless combustion in heterogeneous media. |
OP44 |
16.45–17.10 |
V.V. Grachev. Filtration combustion of gas-solid systems under the high pressures. |
OP45 |
17.10–17.35 |
E.A. Shchepakhina. Modeling of critical phenomena in multiphase and multitemperature combustion models. |
OP46 |
17.35–18.00 |
Yu.M. Maksimov, A.I. Kirdiashkin. Hydrodynamics phenomena of gasless combustion processes. |
Session 11 |
(Lecture Hall 2) Laminar Flames, Hydrodynamics
Co-chairmen: A.Istratov, G.Searby |
OP47 |
14.00–14.25 |
M. Abid, J.B. Liu, P.D. Ronney, P.M. Struk, K.J. Weiland. Structure of flame balls at low Lewis-number (sofball) experiment. |
OP48 |
14.25–14.50 |
V.V. Adushkin, V.E. Fortov, Yu.A. Gostintsev, A.G. Istratov, V.P. Karpov, N.I. Kidin, Yu.V. Shatskikh. Spherical gaseous flames. Propagation and transition to detonation. |
OP49 |
14.50–15.15 |
A.G. Istratov, A.V. Fedorov, N.I. Kidin. Hydrodynamic phenomena during combustion of gaseous flame. |
OP50 |
15.15–15.40 |
G.I. Ksandopulo. Stage effect on flame front structure as a response to variation of initial temperature of combustion mixtures. |
15.40–15.55 |
Coffee-break |
Session 12 |
(Lecture Hall 2) Turbulent Combustion, Singularities
Co-chairmen: J.Bell, A.Klimov |
OP51 |
15.55–16.20 |
A.M. Klimov. Physics of turbulent flames. |
OP52 |
16.20–16.45 |
G. Searby. Experimental studies of instabilities of laminar premixed flames. |
OP53 |
16.45–17.10 |
J. Bell. Adaptive low-Mach-number simulation of turbulent combustion. |
OP54 |
17.10–17.35 |
A.Yu. Dovzhenko, I.E. Rumanov, E.N. Rumanov. Non-stationary combustion waves. |
Session 13 |
(Lecture Hall 3) Heterogeneous Systems.
Co-chairmen: V.Gremyachkin, K.Shkadinsky |
OP55 |
14.00-14.25 |
A.V. Fedorov, V.M. Fomin. Modeling of detonation flows in reactive mixtures. |
OP56 |
14.25-14.50 |
V.M. Gremyachkin. The combustion of a porous carbon particles in oxygen. |
OP57 |
14.50-15.15 |
P.M. Krishenik, K.G. Shkadinsky. Stability of thermal front with heat conductivity by dependent from temperature. |
OP58 |
15.15-15.40 |
A.S. Shteinberg. Macrokinetics research on high-temperture super-fast reactions in condensed energy-intensive systems. |
15.40-15.55 |
Coffee-break |
Session 14 |
(Lecture Hall 3) Workshop.Energy concentration in combustion waves.
Chairman: V.Babkin |
W2-18 |
16.00-16.20 |
A.A. Korzhavin, V.A. Bunev,V.S. Babkin,D. Bradley. Lewis numbers effects under gas combustion in narrow channels and porous
media. |
W2-19 |
16.20-16.40 |
Yu. M. Maksimov,B.Sh. Braverman. Concentration of thermal energy in filtration combustion of powders of
metals. |
W2-20 |
16.40-17.00 |
V.V. Zamashchikov, I.G. Namyatov, V.A. Bunev,V.S. Babkin. On the nature of superadiabatic temperatures in premixed rich hydrocarbon
flames. |
17.00-18.00 |
Discussion |
Friday, September 3, 2004
Lectures |
(Lecture Hall 1)
Co-chairmen: O.Galder, T.Hirano |
PL19 |
9.30–10.10 |
O.L. Gulder. Properties of turbulent premixed flame surfaces |
PL20 |
10.10–10.50 |
S.S. Gershtein. Ya.B. Zeldovich and modern physics of particles. |
10.50–11.05 |
Coffee-break |
PL21 |
11.05–11.45 |
I. Gokalp. Flame front analysis of high-pressure turbulent lean premixed methane-air flames. |
PL22 |
11.45–12.25 |
T. Hirano. Theories of flame spread: A critical review. |
PL23 |
12.25–13.05 |
Ph. Colella. High-resolution and adaptive algorithms for partial differential equations with constraints |
13.05–14.00 |
Lunch |
14.00-15.00 |
Discussion and Closing Ceremony. |
15.00-16.00 |
Farewell Party. |
Poster presentations.
PP1- Monday, August 30, 2004
PP1.01 V.V. Burkin, R.S. Burkina, A.M. Timokhin. Ignition of the condensed substances by powerful electroplasma influence.
PP1.02 V.M. Gremyachkin, V.A. Dudkin, V.B. Rukhin. Ignition and combustion of the carbonized particles in air.
PP1.03 G. N. Gorelov. The asymptotic analysis of critical conditions of self-ignition for distributed models.
PP1.04 E.V. Kitaeva. Numerical modeling of the critical conditions of the thermal explosion in the case of first order reaction.
PP1.05 N.G. Samoilenko, B.L. Korsounskii, E.A. Gracheva, A.O. Ilchenko, A.N. Suvorov. Kinetic simulation of exothermal autocatalytic reaction in CSTR.
PP1.06 V.A. Pinchuk, P.S. Socratilin, A.V. Vitkowa. The control channel of exothermic reactions' potential activation barrier in combustion.
PP1.07 N.I. Vaganova, O.D. Vaganova, E.N. Rumanov. Exothermic reactor: Critical fluctuations and self-oscillations.
PP1.08 B.S. Seplyarskii, S.V. Kostin, T.P. Ivleva. Analysis of ignition of a hybrid gaseous suspension with a spark discharge.
PP1.09 I.Ya. Sheinman. Numerical simulation of thermal explosion development in storage of reactive liquids.
PP1.10 V.P. Zhukov, D.L. Tsyganov, V.A. Sechenov, A.Yu. Starikovskii. Hydrocarbon-air mixtures ignition at high pressures.
PP1.11 E.N. Kukaev, S.M. Starikovskaia, A.Yu. Starikovskii.Ignition air-fuel mixtures at low temperatures by nanosecond high-voltage nanosecond discharge.
PP1.12 E.I. Mintoussov, S.V. Pancheshnyi, A.Yu. Starikovskii. Premixed flame control by nanosecond pulsed barrier discharge.
PP1.13 J.I. Vovchuk, N.I. Poletaev, Ò.À.Yarovoy, À.N. Zolotko. Ignition of hybride systems "Coal - methane - air".
PP2 - Monday, August 30, 2004
PP2.01 N.A. Gurevich. On existence of the lower limit NOx formation in premixed flames.
PP2.02 A.A. Mantashyan, E.R. Markaryan. Simulation of the process of methane slow combustion in the presence of propane additions.
PP2.03 S.S. Novikov, N.F. Pjatakov, O.P. Rysakova-Romashkan, I.B. Vjunova. Study of linear and cyclic polynitramines' combustion.
PP2.04 O.P. Korobeinichev, A.A. Paletsky, A.G. Tereshchenko, E.N. Volkov, P.D. Polyakov. Molecular beam mass spectrometry as perspective method for diagnostics of flames of condensed systems.
PP2.05 A.A. Vostrikov, D.Yu. Dubov, S.A. Psarov, M.Ya. Sokol. Oxidation of coal particle in supercritical water.
PP2.06 A.A. Vostrikov, S.A. Psarov, D.Yu. Dubov. A explosive oxidation of hydrocarbons in supercritical water.
PP2.07 A. Yegorov, L. Minkov. Spark ignition of Al-air flow.
PP2.08 M. Lackner, S. Charareh, F. Winter, K F. Iskra, T. Neger, H. Kopecek, E. Wintner. Schlieren photography of the early H2 flame kernel development in laser ignition.
PP2.09 G.A. Karim. A detailed chemical kinetic analysis of the oxidation of rich mixtures of methane and the production of super adiabatic temperaturs.
PP2.10 M. Avetisyan, A.A. Mantashyan, E.M. Makaryan. Simulation of the methane slow combustion process in the presence of sulphur dioxide SO2.
PP2.11 M.N. Abdikarimov. Pyrolysis processes of PMMA at combustion.
PP2.12 M.N. Abdikarimov. The influence of different additives on the combustion of water-dispersive polyvinylacetate paints.
PP2.13 O.S. Dipeolu. Atomsperhic combustion and the effect of the surrounding. Combustion and its internal effect to human.
PP2.14 M.N.Abdikarimov. Analysis of pyrolysis of water-dispersive polyvinylacetate paints at combustion.
PP2.15 M.N.Abdikarimov. Ingibation of combustion and development of foaming fire retardant coatings on the basis of epoxy resin ed-20.
PP2.16 M.N.Abdikarimov. Linear pyrolysis and combustion of polyamid-6.
PP4 - Tuesday, August 31, 2004
PP4.01 T.A. Khmel, A.V. Fedorov. Numerical investigation of cellular structures of heterogeneous detonation in monodisperse gas suspension.
PP4.02 V.V. Evstigneev, V.Y. Filimonov, V.I. Yakovlev. The determination of impulse-velocity characteristics of a heterogeneous flow in the process of detonation-gas spraying.
PP4.03 V.V. Golub, V.V. Volodin, T.V. Bazhenova, D.I. Baklanov, S.V. Golovastov, D.V. Lisin. Detonation formation with separate reagents injection.
PP4.04 A. Kaltayev, D.I. Baklanov, L.G. Gvozdeva, N.B. Scherbak. New method of calculation of deflagration - detonation transition in detonation tubes.
PP4.05 V.V. Garnov, B.D. Khristoforov. Research of transfer of a detonation at large - scale ground explosions of trotyl.
PP4.06 A.K. Kopeyka, V.V. Golovko, A.N. Zolotko. The thermal mechanism of breach of stability combustion of liquid explosives.
PP4.07 S.V. Koulikov, G.B. Manelis, Yu. P. Miagkov. Influence of small additives of Xå on detonation threshold of a mixture of Î2, Í2 and Íe in shock tube experiments.
PP4.08 O.V. Achasov, O.G. Penyazkov, K.L. Sevruk. Time-dependent dynamics of energy release in detonation structure.
PP4.09 P.N. Krivosheev, O.G.Penyazkov, S.A. Zhdanok. Studies of propagation mechanism of quasi-detonations in porous media near the limits.
PP4.10 A.V. Pinaev, I.I. Kotchetkov. About the most important features of the bubble detonation.
PP4.11 M.P. Predtechensky. Finite-mass explosion in a finite density gas with back-pressure.
PP4.12 N.M. Rubtsov. On the influence of chemically active additives on the velocity of detonation wave in fuel-rich mixtures.
PP4.13 M.M. Rusakov, D.A. Pavlov. Influence of additives in FAM on a detonation in the SI engine.
PP4.14 K.K. Shvedov. New experimental confirmation of Zeldovich detonation theory.
PP4.15 A.V. Trotsyuk, A.N. Kudryavtsev, M.S. Ivanov. Numerical simulation of detonation waves in a supersonic steady flows.
PP4.16 A.V. Utkin, S.A. Kolesnikov, A.V. Ananin, and S.V. Pershin. Reaction zone structure for steady-state detonation of heterogeneous high explosives.
PP4.17 D.V. Voronin. On the detonation of chemically active bubble in an inert liquid.
PP4.18 V. Guilly, B. Khasainov, H.-N. Presles, D. Desbordes. Detonation diffraction of argon diluted acetylene/oxygen mixtures through conical junction.
PP4.19 A.L. Vereschagin. Detonation and the origin of the life.
PP4.20 M.E. Topchijan. Detonation and shock waves instability and energy balance.
PP8 - Wednesday, September 1, 2004
PP8.01 V.G. Efimov. Wavelet analysis of research results on combustion of samples and full-scale charges.
PP8.02 V. A. Perminov. A numerical study of forest fire initiation and spread.
PP8.03 Yu. N. Shebeko, I.A. Bolodian, V.L. Malkin, D.M. Gordienko, A.M. Mindlin. An experimental investigation of heavy gas dispersion from the safety relief tube near the ground.
PP8.04 Yu. N. Shebeko, I.A. Bolodian, V.N. Filippov, V.Yu. Navzenya. An investigation of protection of LPG tanks against explosions at a fire engulfment.
PP8.05 A.P. Zykov, S.E. Yakush, G.M. Makhviladze. Compartment fire modeling with fire CFD code.
PP8.06 P. Cisse, R. Bunama, G.A. Karim. The transient formation and decay of flammable zones due to convective mixing of fixed quantities of fuels into air within a vertical, open cylindrical enclosures.
PP10 - Thursday, September 2, 2004
PP10.01 V.V. Aleksandrov. Some results of the analysis and the mathematical simulation of the gasless combustion.
PP10.02 V.V. Aleksandrov. Some results of impulse calorimetry and other non-traditional methods in the investigations of the combustion of the solid component systems.
PP10.03 Yu.A. Zakharov, E.D. Aluker, B.P. Aduev, A.G. Krechetov. A model of heavy metal azide initiation with divacancy recharge.
PP10.04 N.M. Barashkov. Burning waves in anisopropic materials.
PP10.05 V. Fursov, V. Rafeev. Stationary regimes of carbon gasification in the adiabatic reactor of finite length.
PP10.06 O.K. Karlina, V.L. Klimov, G.Yu. Pavlova, G.A. Bergman, B.G. Trusov, A.Yu. Yurchenko. SHS Processing reactor graphite waste including fuel fragments: thermodynamic and experimental modeling.
PP10.07 B.B. Khina. Interaction kinetics in SHS: is the quasi-equilibrium solid-state diffusion model valid.
PP10.08 Yu.I. Kartashov, A.I. Koval, V.I. Mishin, Iu.G. Osipov, V.B. Ulybin. Application of a Self-Propagation High-Temperature Synthesis method for obtaining radioisotope-containing chemical compounds on example of substances with carbon C-14.
PP10.09 Yu.A. Zakharov, E.D. Aluker, B.P. Aduev, A.G. Krechetov, A.Yu. Mitrofanov. Space-time characteristics of pre-explosive luminescence of heavy metal azides.
PP10.10 A.N. Lukin. The spatial-periodic microstructures excitation at the energy condensed systems combustion.
PP10.11 K.S. Martirosyan, J.R. Claycomb, J.H. Miller, Jr and D. Luss. Electromagnetic field generation by different Combustion Modes.
PP10.12 P.I. Zubkov, G.N. Kulipanov, L.A. Lukyanchikov, L.A. Merzhievsky, E.R. Pruuel, K.A.Ten, V.M. Titov, B.P. Tolochko, M.G. Fedotov, M.R. Sharafutdinov,
M.A. Sheromov, I.L. Jogin, V.V. Julanov, L.I. Shehtman, V.M.Aulchenko. The synchrotron radiation study of initiation of powder explosive.
PP10.13 A. Osherov, A. Gany. Analysis of response characteristics of solid propellant burning rate.
PP10.14 V.I. Ponomorev, D.Yu. Kovalev. Diagnostic of combustion by a method of time-resolved X-ray analysis.
PP10.15 N.I. Popok, À.Ì. Belousov. Influence of physics-chemical properties of polymers on burning rate of homogeneous nitroesters mixtures.
PP10.16 V.G. Prokofiev, V.K. Smolyakov. How phase transition influences combustion stability of heterogeneous systems with condensed products.
PP10.17 B.S. Seplyarskii, S.G. Vadchenko. The influence of the impurity gas release on the combustion regularities in the Ti-C System.
PP10.18 B.S. Seplyarskii. A convective-conductive model of combustion of “gasless” systems.
PP10.19 V.P. Sinditskii. Reason for heat instability of combustion of energetic material with condensed phase leading reaction.
PP10.20 S. M. Frolov, V. A. Smetanyuk. Mechanism of fuel drop ‘Microexplosion’.
PP10.21 S.N. Lyubyatinsky, B.V. Litvinov, B.G. Loboiko, V.P. Filin, O.V. Kostitsin, E.B. Smirnov. Reaction zones and propagation of detonation in solid high explosives.
PP10.22 V.M. Davidenko, Yu.I. Kartashov, A.I. Koval, Yu.G. Osipov, V.B. Ulybin, V.A. Yashin. The physical and chemical mechanism of synthesis of the complex superfirm nitrides under conditions of Self-Propagation High-Temperature Synthesis.
PP10.23 V.I. Yukhvid. Gravitational effects in combustion of heterogeneous systems.
PP10.24 S.A. Zelepugin, O.V. Ivanova, A.S. Zelepugin, S.S. Shpakov. High velocity interaction of long rod Projectile and a target with middle elastomer layer.
PP10.25 I.L. Zhogin, B.P. Tolochko, M.R. Sharafutdinov, V.V. Karasev, V.I. Ponomarev, V.E. Zarko. The high temperature profiles measurement on the combustion front by X-ray diffraction using synchrotron radiation.
PP10.26 V.G. Shevchuk, A.E. Sidorov, E.N. Kondratjev, L.V. Boichuk. Combustion of fine dispersed dusts.
PP10.27 A. Paplinskii Transient combustion approach in internal ballistic modelling.
PP10.28 G.T. Afanas'ev. Detonation limits similarity in solid explosives.
PP10.29 A. Maranda, W. Witkowski. Influence of double-base propellants on mining explosives parameters.
PP10.30 V.V. Evstigneev, V.Y. Filimonov, V.I. Yakovlev. The research of the critical conditions of a thermal explosion in heterogeneous powder mixture Ti-Al.
PP10.31 A.G. Knyazeva. Irreversible processes in the media with the large area of internal surfaces.
PP11 - Thursday, September 2, 2004
PP11.01 V.A. Arkhipov, S.S.Bondarchuk, D.A. Zimin. Setting and solution methods of inverse problem in combustion diagnostics.
PP11.02 A.S. Betev, V.P. Karpov. Pressure effects on off-stoichiometric high-curvature flames.
PP11.03 P.S. Grinchuk. Application of the Bose-Einstein statistics to the description of spray combustion: The role of random spatial distribution of fuel.
PP11.04 V.A. Arkhipov, O.V. Matvienko, V.F. Trofimov. Mathematical and experimental investigation of two-phase swirling flow combustion.
PP11.05 N.I. Poletaev, J.I. Vovchuk. Particularities of the laminar diffusion dust flames.
PP11.06 K.O. Sabdenov, A.V. Miroshnichenko. Specializing of the thermal-diffusion flame stability region using the modeling function for the chemical reaction rate.
PP11.07 V.P. Samsonov, I.V. Samsonova. Hysteresis phenomena in vortex flames.
PP11.08 V.V. Afanasyev, S.V. Ilyin, N.I Kidin. Investigation of soft and hard excitation of singing flame on a homogeneous mix.
PP11.09 V.V. Afanasyev, S.V. Ilyin, N.I. Kidin. Control at predetonation acceleration of a flame with the help of discharges.
PP11.10 V.V. Afanasyev, A.V. Lapin, N.I. Kidin. Control of burning rate in model of internal-combustion engine by electric discharges.
PP11.11 V.Ya. Basevich, A.A. Belyaev, S.M. Frolov. Laminar flame propagation in fuel drop suspensions.
PP12 - Thursday, September 2, 2004
PP12.01 V. Akkerman, V. Bychkov. Velocity of weakly turbulent flames of finite thickness.
PP12.02 V. Akkerman, V. Bychkov. Influence of external turbulence and the Darrieus-Landau instability of the flame velocity.
PP12.03 V.A. Pavlov, V.V. Azatyan, O.P Shatalov. Inhibition of ignition and deflagration to detonation transition of diluted hydrogen-oxygen mixtures on initiation of the combustion by shock wave.
PP12.04 Sadegh Tabe Jamaat, Mohammad Pezeshki. Numerical study of supersonic reacting flow in nozzle.
PP12.05 O. Golovanov, Yu. Gostintsev, B. Korsounskii. Parameters of the pressure wave emitted in the atmosphere with an unsteady turbulent spherically symmetric flame.
PP12.06 I.E. Rumanov. Autowave susceptibility.
PP12.07 K.O.Sabdenov, A.V. Miroshnichenko. Model of accelerating supersonic turbulent flame.
PP12.08 O.V. Sharypov, K.A. Medvedko. Instability of 2D flow structure of fuel film.
PP12.09 A. Yegorov, D. Pavlov, M. Rusakov, A. Shaikin. Ensuring working process in combustion chambers to be used in prospective propulsion units and power plants.
PP12.10 V. Sabelnikov, F. Grisch Investigation of instabilities and structure of turbulent premixed flame in a lean stepped combustor.
PP12.11 A. Paplinski, A. Maranda. Evaluation of nonstationary detonation in reactive gaseous suspension.
Workshop. Combustion of nano-aluminium.
- G.I. Kozlov. Synthesis mechanism and growth rate of single-walled carbon nanotubes by a laser-ablation method.
- V.I. Malinin, V.L. Rylov, I.S. Antipin. Mathematical model of aluminum powder air suspension combustion with regard of suboxide formation and after-burning in the additional air flow.
- S.A. Rashkovsky. Ultra-fine aluminum combustion in composite solid propellants.
- V.S. Sedoi. Production of nano-Al powders by the exploding wire method.
- V.A. Arkhipov, V.S. Sedoi. Modeling of ultra-fine powders formation at electric explosion of wires.
- V.E. Zarko, O.G. Glotov, V.N. Simonenko, A.B. Kiskin. Study of the combustion behavior of solid propellants containing ultra fine aluminum.
- A. Vorozhtsov, M. Lerner, G. Pavlovets, V. Meleshko, S. Bondsarchuk, V. Arkhipov , L. DeLuca. Advanced Technologies of Controlled Manufacturing and the Use of Nanometals in High-Energy Materials (HEM) Formulation.
- V. A. Babuk. Nanoaluminum, as a Component Solid Rocket Propellant.
- M.N. Laritchev, I.O. Leipunsky, P.A. Pshechenkov, A.N. Jigatch, M.L. Kuskov, E.A. Shafranovsky. Study of oxidation of ultra fine particles of aluminum in air, O2, N2 and CO2.The possibility of low temperature burning of aluminum nanoparticles.
- Yu. Frolov, A. Pivkina. Energetic nanomaterials and high-energy compositions.
- L.T. DeLuca. Ballistic properties of nano-Al solid rocket propellants.
- L. Galfetti. Physical characterization of nano-Al formulations.