Final report
XIV International Symposium on Explosive Production of New Materials: Science, Technology, Business, and Innovations (EPNM-2018) held in Saint Petersburg, Russia, May 14-18, 2018 was organized by the Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (ISMAN, Russia) and EnergoMetall Co (Russia) supported the carry out of EPNM Symposiums.
The symposium took place at the Saint Petersburg Hotel located in the historical center of the city. The hotel's windows offer a wonderful view of the Neva, Aurora Battle Cruiser and the Palace and Foundry bridges.
EPNM-2018 gathered 120 experts from Russia, USA, Germany, France, China, Japan, Portugal, Poland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Armenia, Estonia, Brazil, and Ukraine. Especially inspiring was the presence of numerous representatives of younger generation from Russia (St. Petersburg, Chernogolovka, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Tambov), Poland, Portugal, Armenia, Estonia and the Netherlands.
The XIV Symposium was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Departament of Chemistry and New Materials, Russian Academy of Sciences. The organizers are deeply grateful to our sponsors whose donations afforded to support the participation of younger researchers. Among our sponsors are NobelClad (USA), EnergoMetall (Russia), and Explomet (Poland).
At the sessions, there were 46 oral and 38 poster presentations.
The Symposium was opened by a welcoming speech by Prof. Mikhail Alymov (Russia), director of ISMAN and Symposium chairman. At the opening ceremony, words of greeting came from Mr. V. Vakin (director of EnergoMetall Co, Russia), Prof. J. Banker (USA), Prof. R. Mendes (Portugal), and Dr. Z. Szulc (Poland).
Prof. M. Alymov presented the plenary talk on results of ISMAN in explosive welding, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis, and electrothermal explosion. Prof. J. Banker reported the analysis of the development of explosive metalworking in the world and concluded that the explosive forming could not withstand competition and ceased to exist, while explosion welding strongly keeps its place in commercial production with a global annual volume of about 1 billion US dollars. The wide-scale report on the explosive welding was presented by Mr. V.S. Vakin on behalf of EnergoMetall Co.
Prof. A.A. Shtertser spoke about the explosive hardening and its application in production of railroad switch frogs. I.A. Schastlivaya on behalf of NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - Central Research Institute of Structural Materials "Prometey" presented in detail the studies of mechanism and growth of defects in bimetallic materials (steel/titanium).
The plenary talk on the recent advances of fundamental and applied science in the field of superplasticity and severe plastic deformation of high-temperature metallic materials was made by RAS corresponding member R. R. Mulyukov.
The active studies on explosion welding between aluminum and steel using emulsion-based and ANFO explosives are conducted at the University of Coimbra (R. Mendes, I. Galvao, G. Carvalho et al.). V. Pert noted that the density of particles of ammonium nitrate affects substantially a detonation rate of this explosive. P. Chen and co-workers (Beijing Institute of Technology) achieved significant advances. Q. Zhou presented interesting results on synthesis of few-layered graphene by shock wave technique. H. Yin described the preparation of carbon-encapsulated iron-based nanoparticles by detonation of mixtures of high explosive and iron tristearate in a vacuum chamber. T. Schlothauer (Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg) investigated the shock wave loading of tungsten carbide in the Mbar-range.
L. Kecskes suggested a hot explosive consolidation for fabrication of different composites based on high-strength materials.
A. Mori reported the optical observation for similar and dissimilar material combinations. H. Paul investigated the interface of explosively welded layered metallic clads transmission and scanning electron microscopy. K. Saksl from Institute of Materials Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences described novel concept of two-dimensional X-ray diffraction method utilizing hard monochromatic X-rays focused down to micrometer size and demonstrated its applicability on determination of residual strains and stresses in a bimetallic duplex steel/ferrite steel system. K. Ten presented the results on picosecond-exposure dynamic measurements of the formation of ultra-dispersed diamonds in detonation waves using synchrotron radiation.
Special section was dedicated to fabrication of composite materials by SHS method. Prof. A.M. Stolin presented a free SHS compression process for production of ceramic plates with dimensions of more than 100 mm from material based on titanium diboride. S.V. Karpov talked about mathematical modeling of complicated non-stationary heat processes during free compression of hot SHS products. Prof. V.I. Yukhvid reported on SHS metallurgy process for fabrication of materials based on molybdenum silicide. A.Yu. Potanin investigated the high-temperature synthesis of ZrB2-based ultrahigh-temperature materials alloyed with SiC, MoSi2, and HfB2. Prof. V.A. Shcherbakov reported on results of production of Ta4ZrC5-CrB and Ta4HfC5-CrB ultrahigh-temperature ceramics.
As always, much attention was drawn to the SHS materials based on intermetallic compounds. Prof. A.G. Knyazeva provided a detailed report on results of mathematical modeling of high-temperature interaction processes upon synthesis of Ti-Al-based materials. Interesting report on synthesis of intermetallic Ni-Al alloys modified by carbon component was made by A.E. Sytschev. E.I. Patsera reported on synthesis of micropowders from promising CompoNiAl M5 alloy in order to make geometrically complicated products using additive 3D technologies. A.V. Sobachkin presented interesting results on high-temperature synthesis of mechanically activated Ti-Al powder mixture irradiated by gamma-quanta.
Reports on consolidation of powder materials were presented by S. Aydinyan, T. Minasyan, and E.G. Grigoriev. The presentation devoted to reprocessing of mill scale wastes by SHS metallurgy for production of cast ferrosilicon, ferrosilico aluminum and ferroboron was made by V.N. Sanin.
The members of International Advisory Committee were charged to carry out competition for the best scientific work among younger generation. And the prizes went to: Sofiya Aydinyan, Sergei Karpov, Amadeusz Kurek, Gustavo Carvalho, Sheng Zemin, and Ivan Bataev.
The social program included a boat trip on the Neva, a visit to the Peterhof, a master class on Matryoshka painting and a banquet in the Russian house with delightful rendition of "Podmoskovnye vechera (Moscow Nights)" by Karel Saksl and A.A. Shtertser.
Below are the members of the concerted team who contributed greatly to organizing EPNM-2018: O.O. Likhanova, V.N. Sanin, A.A. Shtertser, A.E. Sytschev, O.A. Golosova, O.V. Amelina, A.M. Alymova, and L.E. Tarasova.
A host country of the XV EPNM Symposium was unanimously selected by the International Advisory Committee. The next EPNM-2020 will be held in Beijing, China.
M.I. Alymov
A.A. Shtertser
V.N. Sanin
O.O. Likhanova