
October, 5, 2013 First announcement
October, 15, 2013 Opening date for abstracts submission
February, 07, 2014 Deadline for abstracts submission
February, 25, 2014 Confirmation of acceptance
An abstract should include the title, name(s) of author(s), addresses and the e-mail of corresponding author. The text should be set up in Time New Roman (MS Word format), font 12 throughout. Margins: 4 cm on top and bottom, 3.5 cm left and 3 cm right. Paper A4. The abstract length is 2-3 standard pages (500—750 words).
Registration form
Selected papers presented during EPNM-2014 will be published in the Archives of Metallurgy and Materials, a peer-reviewed journal for metallurgy and materials science:
Authors who wish to deliver a full paper containing results of scientific research corresponding to the scope of the conference should follow instructions given in the "Manuscript Check List" which is available on the website:
Authors should submit their manuscript via:
February, 1, 2014 Opening date for papers submission
March, 17, 2014 Deadline for papers submission
May, 2, 2014 Notification of acceptance

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