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Outstanding scientists

Alexander G. Merzhanov is an outstanding scientist in the field of chemical physics, a classic of combustion science, the initiator of SHS and structural macrokinetics.
A.G. Merzhanov was born in the town of Rostov-on-Don in 1931. After graduating from the physic-mathematical department of Rostov State University, he started his scientific activity at the Institute of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1959 he upheld the thesis “Investigation of heat explosion of condensed systems.” In 1960 he headed the laboratory of inflammation and combustion transition to detonation.
A.G. Merzhanov is well-known all over the world as the author of the discovery “The Phenomenon of the Wave Localization of Solid-State Autoretarding Reactions” (with I.P. Borovinskaya, V.M. Shkiro) which appeared to be the backgrounds of SHS (Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis) of inorganic compounds and new materials.
The Discovery made in 1967 gave an impulse to a wide range of theoretical and experimental studies in a new field – structural macrokinetics of SHS processes. As a result, due to the intensive work of the research team headed by A.G. Merzhanov scientific backgrounds of SHS theory were elaborated, a great number of compounds were synthesized (among them are carbides, borides, silicides, oxides, hydrides, intermetallic compounds, composite materials and coatings, etc.), SHS material properties were studied. Some new SHS technologies were developed and are widely used now in practice.
The achievements of the research team headed by A.G. Merzhanov resulted in organization of a new institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1986 the Institute of Structural Macrokinetics was set up in the Science town of Chernogolovka.
A.G. Merzhanov is the Author of the scientific discovery, more than 800 research papers, and 120 patents which are highly quoted in scientific literature. More than 40 D.Sc. and 150 Ph.D. upheld their theses under his supervision.
“The SHS Wave” initiated by A.G. Merzhanov spread all over the world. Scientists from different countries joined the SHS community (USA, Japan, China, Korea, Poland, France, Italy, Spain, Israel, India, etc.). A.G. Merzhanov paid much attention to the development of international collaboration with research centers abroad and in the republics of the former USSR.
During his distinguished career, Alexander G. Merzhanov was awarded many major prizes, including State Prizes of Russian Federation, two Orders of Labor Banner, a State diploma for discovery of solid flame, Zeldovich Golden Medal for achievements in combustion theory, and many other governmental and academic honorable distinctions. He was also elected as a Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Striking personality of Alexander G.Merzhanov, his humanity and hospitality, cheerfulness, and sense of humor have always been attractive not only for scientists but also for other intellectuals. The blessed memory of this outstanding personality will last forever in the hearts of those who ever knew him.
Curriculum Vitae
- Education Rostov-on-Don State University, 1954
Candidate of Sciences (Phys.-Math.) (eqv. Ph.D.), 1959
Doctor of Sciences (Phys.-Math.), 1967 - Promotion
Researcher, Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow, 1954-1959
Head of Laboratory, Institute of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, 1960-1978
Head of Department, Institute of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka, 1978-1986
Director, Institute of Structural Macrokinetics, Chernogolovka, since 1986 - Research interests
General and structural macrokinetics, materials science and technology, Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), combustion science.
about 800 papers and more than 120 patents - Basic results in R&D (in co-authorship with scholars and collaborators)
8.1. Combustion science
8.1.1. General theory of thermal explosion and a number of experimental approaches to investigating condensed systems. Experimental investigation of thermal explosion in explosives, gun powders, and propellants. Calculation procedures for formulating regulations for safe handling of explosives.
8.1.2. Thermal theory for ignition of condensed systems and its experimental verification.
8.1.3. Theory of steady wave propagation in gasifiable condensed media. and relevant experimental studies.
8.1.4. Formulation of new directions of research in the combustion science associated with gasless and infiltration combustion. Mathematical modeling of and experiments on combustion in metal–nonmetal, metallothermic, and metal–gas (hybrid) systems.
8.1.5. Effect of electric and magnetic field on solid-flame combustion.
8.2. Chemical kinetics
8.2.1. Nonisothermal techniques for chemical kinetics. Kinetic theory of DTA. Applications of combustion to high-temperature kinetics.
8.2.2. Development of electrothermography technique for kinetic investigating of reactions between metals and gases at high temperatures (up to 30000C). Modeling of reactive diffusion.
8.2.3. Study on nonisothermal thermal chain reactions. Theory of thermal chain explosion and its application to oxidation of hydrogen.
8.2.4. New approaches to investigating gas-phase (chain) and gas-transport reactions yielding condensed products.
8.3. Nonlinear dynamics
8.3.1. Nonlinear dynamics for autowave processes. Discovery and investigation of thermal autooscillations of the combustion front and spinning waves.
8.3.2. New analogs of combustion and explosion (hydrodynamic thermal explosion, waves of boiling, etc.).
8.3.3. Discovery and investigation of switching waves (alternation of the kinetic and diffusion modes) in heterogeneous catalysis.
8.3.4. New trends in the theory of autowave processes (non-equilibrium theory, characterization of autowaves, autowaves in heterogeneous media, three-dimensional modeling).
8.4. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
8.4.1. Discovery of the solid flame phenomenon and development of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS).
8.4.2. SHS of inorganic compounds (hydrides, borides, carbides, nitrides, silicides, intermetallides, chalcogenides, etc.).
8.4.3. Synthesis of new advanced inorganic materials (abrasives, hard alloys, constructional and functional ceramics, refractories, composites, etc.).
8.4.4. Development of basic types of SHS production methods (technology of SHS powders, SHS sintering, forced SHS compaction, SHS metallurgy, SHS welding, gas-transport SHS technology).
8.4.5. Practical implementation of SHS.
8.5. Geophysics
8.5.1. Experimental (thermal and chemical) investigation of the processes taking place in geysers. Design of artificial (laboratory- and natural-scale) geyser models and of a geyser seismograph.
8.5.2. Microgravitation experiments on the sky-lab MIR, structural features of combustion products. - Public activities (in collaboration with colleagues)
9.1. Organization of nation-wide symposia on combustion and explosion, conferences on technological combustion, workshops on the theory and practice of SHS (since 1968).
9.2. Organization of international symposia on SHS (since 1991).
9.3. Organization of a Chair of Industrial Chemical Physics at the Kuybishev Polytechnic Institute (1972).
9.4. Organization of the Scientific Councils on the Theory and Practice of SHS (at the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology, 1979) and on Combustion and Explosion (at the Russian Academy of Sciences, since 1999). Development and coordination of the All-Union Program on SHS (1980-1990).
9.5. Organization of (a) Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Consortium TERMOSINTEZ, (b) Institute of Structural Macrokinetics, and (c) research/production associations in republics of the former USSR (1986 – 1992).
9.6. Foundation and edition of the International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, Allerton Press, New York (since 1992).
9.7. Organization of the 1st Russian Conference on Combustion/Explosion Processes in Physics, Chemistry, and Process Engineering of Inorganic Materials.
9.8. Organization of the International Association on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS-AS) as a constituent of the Word Academy of Ceramics - Membership
Chairman of Scientific Board and Board for Defence of Cand. Sci. dissertations (ISMAN)
Chairman of Scientific Council on Combustion and Explosion at the Russian Academy of Sciences
Chairman of the Scientific Council on SHS R&D at the Russian Ministry for Science and Technology
Member of the Bureau of the Division of Physical Chemistry and Inorganic Materials at the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Editor General of the International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (Allerton Press, New York)
Member of a number of editorial boards in domestic and international journals
Editor of numerous books and collections
President of International Advisory Board at the World Academy of Ceramics (2002-2006)
President of International Association on SHS (2002-2006) - Professional recognition
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1990
Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the Russian Federation, 1990
Honorary Professor of the Wuhan Technological University, China, 1993
Honorary Professor of the Samara State University, Russia, 1993
Professional Member (Academician) of the Academy of Ceramics, Italy, 1994
Honorary Professor of the Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 1995
Active Member of the Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea, Salzburg, Austria, 1996,
Honorary Member of the Materials Research Society of India (MRSI), India, 1997,
Academician, the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997,
The Honorary Foreign Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, 2006. - Prizes and Awards
Discoverer of the Solid Flame Phenomenon, Russia, 1967
Laureate of the State Prize of Armenia, 1980
D. Smolensky medal winner, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1989
Prometheus medal, Japanese Association of Combustion Synthesis, 1990
Gold Zel'dovich medal winner, USA-Russia, 1990
Thermo King Europe Prize, Dublin, 1993
Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, 1996
Laureate of the Medal of Honor “For Discovery of SHS and Outstandin Contribution to Development of a New Branch of R&D”, IV International Symposium on SHS, Toledo, Spain, 1997
Laureate of the Medal of Peter I, International Academy of Nature and Society, 1997
Tatishtchev Award of Honour For the Benefit of Fatherland, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1999.
Laureate of MAIK for the best publication, Moscow, 2000.
Award of Honour for accomplishments in Russian science and economy, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2001.
Status award Honorable Citizen of Chernogolovka 2001.
Golden Medal of Charitable Foundation Scientific Partnership - Scolarship: 42 D. Sc. and 146 Cand. Sc.
Basic Publications
- Merzhanov A.G. On critical conditions for thermal explosion of a hot spot. Combust. and Flame, 1966, v.10, N 4, p.341-348.
- Merzhanov A.G. Problems of heat exchange in thermal explosion theory. In: Teplo-i Massoobmen. Minsk: Nauka i Tekhnika, 1966, v.4, p.259-272.
- Merzhanov A.G., Dubovitzkii F.I. Modern state of thermal explosion theory. Usp. Khim., 1966, v.35, N 4, p.656-683.
- Merzhanov A.G. Thermal explosion and ignition as a method for formal kinetic studies of exothermic reactions in the condensed phase. Combust. and Flame, 1967, v.11, N 3, p.201-211.
- Merzhanov A.G. The theory of stable homogeneous combustion of condensed substances. Combust. and Flame, 1969, v.13, p.143-156.
- Merzhanov A.G., Barzykin V.V. Some problems of propellant ignition. Preprint of the Inst. of Chem. Physics of USSR Acad. Sci., Moscow, 1970.
- Merzhanov A.G. Non-isothermic methods in chemical kinetics. Fiz. Goreniya i Vzryva, 1973, N 1, p.4-36.
- Merzhanov A.G., Shtessel E.A. Free convection and thermal explosion in reactive systems. Astronaut. Acta., 1973, v.18, N 3, p.191-199.
- Merzhanov A.G. New problems in theory and practice of combustion. In: Problemy Khimicheskoi Kinetiki (Problems of Chemical Kinetics). Moscow: Nauka, 1974, p.92-100.
- Merzhanov A.G. Theory of gasless combustion. Arch. Procesow Spalania, 1974, N 5, p.17-39
- Merzhanov A.G. Technological combustion problems. In: Protsessy Goreniya v Khemicheskoi Tekhnologii i Metallurgii (Combustion Processes in Chemical Technology and Metallurgy). Chernogolovka, 1975, p.5-28
- Merzhanov A.G. Thermal theory of metal particle ignition. AIAA J., 975, v.13, N 2, p.209-214.
- Merzhanov A.G. , Borovinskaya I.P. A new class of combustion processes. Combust. Sci. And Technol., 1975, v.10, N 5-6, p.195-201.
- Merzhanov A.G. Combustion problems in chemical technology and metallurgy. Usp. Khim., 1976, v.45, N 5, p.827-848.
- Merzhanov A.G. Problems of combustion in chemical technology and metallurgy. Usp. Khim., 1976, v.45, N 5, p.827-248.
- Merzhanov A.G. Regularities and mechanism of combustion of pyrotechnic titanium mixtures. In: Fourth Symp. on Chem. Problems Connected with the Stability of Explosives, Molle, Sweden, May 31-June 2, 1976, p.381-401.
- Merzhanov A.G. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of refractory compounds. Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1976, N 10, p.76-84
- Merzhanov A.G., Rumanov E.N. Combustion type thermal processes in physics. In: Gorenie i Vzryv, Proc. of IV All-state Symp. of Combust. and Explosion. M.: Nauka, 1977, p.149-163.
- Merzhanov A.G., Barzykin V.V., Shteinberg A.S., Gontkovskaya V.I. Methodological principles in studying chemical reaction kinetics under conditions of programmed heating. Thermochim. Acta, 1977, v.21, p.301-332.
- Merzhanov A.G., Abramov V.G. Thermal regime of exothermic processes in continuous stirred tank reactors. Chem. Eng. Sci., 1977, v.32, p.475-481.
- Grigor’ev Yu.M., Merzhanov A.G. Kinetics of transition metals interaction with nitrogen. In: Yubileinoe Vsesoyuznoe Soveshchanie po Kinetike khimicheskikh Reaktzii v Tverdom Tele. Novosibirsk, 1977, p.24-31.
- Merzhanov A.G., Rumanov E.N. Combustion without fuel. In: Novoe v Zhizni, Nauke i Tekhnike. Ser.: Fizika. Znanie Publ., 1978, N 4.
- Merzhanov A.G. Combustion processes in condensed systems. Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1979, N 8, p.10-18.
- Merzhanov A.G. New problems in theory and practice of combustion processes. In: Problemy Khimicheskoi Kinetiki (Chemical Kinetics Problems. Acad. N.N. Semenov 80th Anniversary). Moscow, 1979, p.92-100.
- Merzhanov A.G., Borovinskaya I.P. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis in chemistry and technology of refractory metals. Zh. Vses. Khim. Ob-va im. D.I.Mendeleeva, 1979, v.24, N 3, p.223-227.
- Stolin A.M., Malkin A.Ya., Merzhanov A.G. Non-isothermal processes and investigation methods in polymer chemistry and mechanics. Usp. Khim., 1979, v.158, N 8, p.1493-1517.
- Stolin A.M., Merzhanov A.G., Malkin A.Ya. Non-isothermal phenomena in polymer engineering science; A review. Part I: Non-isothermal polymerization. Polymer Eng. and Sci., 1979, v.19, N 15, p.1065-1073.
- Stolin A.M., Merzhanov A.G., Malkin A.Ya. Non-isothermal phenomena in polymer engineering science; A review. Part II: Non-isothermal phenomena in polymer deformation. Polymer Eng. and Sci., 1979, v.19, N 15, p.1074-1080.
- Merzhanov A.G. Combustion processes in chemical reaction engineering. Int. Chem. Eng., 1980, v.20, N 1, p.150-171
- Merzhanov A.G. Thermal waves in chemistry. In: Teplomassoobmen v Protsessakh Goreniya (Heat and Mass Exchange in Combustion Processes)/ Ed. A.G.Merzhanov. Chernogolovka, 1980, p.36-58.
- Merzhanov A.G. From academic idea to industrial production. Vestn. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1981, N 10, p.30-36.
- Merzhanov A.G. SHS-process: combustion theory and practice. Arch. Combust., 1981, v.191, N 1/2, p.23-48.
- Merzhanov A.G., Abramov V.G. Thermal explosion of explosives and propellants. A review. Propellants and Explosives, 1981, v.6, p.130-148.
- Merzhanov A.G. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. In: Fizicheskaya Khimia. Sovremennye Problemy (Physical Chemistry. Modern Problems) / Ed. Ya.M. Kolotyrkin. Moscow: Khimiya, 1983, p.5-45
- Merzhanov A.G., Steinberg A.S., Steinberg G.S. Heat and mass exchange in heizer systems. In: Teplomassoobmen-VII. Minsk, 1984. V.1, part 2, p.119-122.
- Merzhanov A.G., Rumanov E.N. Non-linear effects in macroscopic kinetics. Usp. Fiz. Nauk, 1987, v.151, N 4, p.553-590.
- Aldushin A.P., Merzhanov A.G. Theory of filtration combustion: general consideration and research present state. In: Rasprostranenie Teplovykh Voln v Geterogennykh Sredakh (Thermal Waves Propagation in Heterogeneous Media). Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1988, p.9-52.
- Merzhanov A.G., Khaikin B.I. Theory of combustion waves in homogeneous media. Progr. Energy Combust. Sci., 1988, v.14, p.1-98.
- Merzhanov A.G. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis: Twenty years of search and findings. In: Combustion and Plasma Synthesis of High-Temperature Materials / Eds. Z.A. Munir, J.B. Holt. N.Y., etc.: VCH Publ., 1990, p.1-53.
- Merzhanov A.G. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of ceramic (oxide) superconductors. In: Ceramic Transactions. Superconductivity and Ceramic Superconductors / Eds. K.N. Nair, E.I. Dupont de Nemours, E.A. Giess. Westerville, Ohio: Amer. Ceram. Soc. Publ., 1990, v.13, p.519-549.
- Merzhanov A.G. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis: a science on combustion and technology of materials. In: Proc. of the Combustion Institute. Sezione Italiana – Sezione Sovietica. Pisa-Convento dell Benedettine, November 5-9, 1990. Plenary Lecture.
- Merzhanov A.G. Structural aspects of the flame-propagation theory. Pure and Appl. Chem., 1990, v.62, N 5, p.861-875.
- Merzhanov A.G., Nersesyan M.D. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of oxidic materials. Zh. Vses. Khim. Obshch. im. Mendeleeva, 1990, v.35, N 6, p.700-707.
- Merzhanov A.G., Yukhvid V.I. The self-propagation high-temperature synthesis in the field of centrifugal forces. In: Proc. of the First US-Iap. Workshop on Combustion Synthesis, 11-12 Jan., 1990, Ibaraki, Japan / Eds. Y. Kaieda, J.B. Holt. Tokyo: National Res. Inst. Metals Publ., 1990, p.1-21..
- Barzykin V.V., Merzhanov A.G., Strunina A.G. Ignition of heterogeneous systems containing condensed reaction products. In: Proc. 23rd Int. Symp. on Combust. The Combust. Inst., Pittsburgh, 1990, p.1725-1731.
- Nersesyan M.D., Merzhanov A.G. SHS in high-temperature superconductivity problem. Review. M., TzNII Informatia, 1990.
- Merzhanov A.G. Advanced SHS ceramics: today and tomorrow morning. In: Ceramics: Toward the 21st Century: Proc. of Symp. on Ceram. Commemorating the Centennial of the Ceram. Soc. of Japan, 16-18 Oct., 1991, Yokohama, Japan / Eds. N. Soga, A. Kato. Tokyo: Ceram. Soc. Jap. Publ., 1991, p.378-403.
- Merzhanov A.G. Some questions of predictive estimation in SHS problem development. In: Samorasprostranyayushchiisya Vysokotemperaturnyi Sintez (Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis) / Ed. Yu.M. Maksimov. Tomsk: Izd. Tomsk Univ., 1991, p.22-32.
- Merzhanov A.G. Main features of SHS-technology. In: Samorasprostranyayushchiisya Vysokotemperaturnyi Sintez (Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis) / Ed. Yu.M. Maksimov. Tomsk: Izd. Tomsk Univ., 1991, p.4-21..
- Kharatyan S.L., Merzhanov A.G. Macrokinetics of carbide phases formation and growth at high-temperature interaction of some transition metals with carbon-containing gaseous medium. In: Problemy Strukturnoi Makrokinetiki (Problems of Structural Macrokinetics) / Ed. A.G. Merzhanov. Chernogolovka: Izd. ISM AN SSSR, 1991, p.150-191.
- Rogachev A.S., Merzhanov A.G. On interaction mechanism of carbon microscopic particles with melt in gasless combustion wave. In: Problemy Strukturnoi Makrokinetiki (Problems of Structural Macrokinetics) / Ed. A.G. Merzhanov. Chernogolovka: Izd. ISM AN SSSR, 1991, p.192-198.
- Merzhanov A.G. Combustion: new manifestations of an ancient process. In: Chemistry of Advanced Materials / Ed. C.N.R. Rao. Blackwell Sci. Publ., 1992, p.19-39.
- Merzhanov A.G. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis and powder metallurgy: unity of goals and competition of principles. In: Particulate Materials and Processes. Advances in Powder Metallurgy: Proc. of the 1992 Powder Metall. World. Congr., San Francisco, CA, USA, 21-26 June 1992. V.9. Princeton: Metal Powder Ind. Fed. Publ., 1992, p.341-368.
- Merzhanov A.G. SHS technology. Adv. Mater., 1992, v.4, N 4, p.294-295.
- Merzhanov A.G., Rogachev A.S. Structural macrokinetics of SHS processes. Pure and Appl. Chem., 1992, v.64, N 7, p.941-953.
- Grigor’ev Yu.M., Merzhanov A.G. SHS coatings. Int J. of SHS, 1992, v.1, N 4, p.600-639.
- Merzhanov A.G. Combustion processes that synthesize materials. In: Proc. Int. Conf. on Adv. Mater. and Process. Technol. (AMPT’93), 24-27 Aug., 1993, Dublin, p.513-532.
- Merzhanov A.G. Institute for Structural Macrokinetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Mendeleev Comm., 1993, N 6, p.258-259.
- Merzhanov A.G. New manifestation of an ancient process. In: Chemistry of Advanced Materials / Ed. C.N. Rao. Oxford: Blackwell Sci. Publ., 1993, p.19-39.
- Merzhanov A.G. Theory and practice of SHS: worldwide state of the art and the newest results. Int. J. of SHS, 1993, v.2, N 2, p.113-158.
- Gordopolov Yu.A., Merzhanov A.G. A new processing for the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) combined with shock compression technique. In: Shock Waves in Materials Science / Ed. A.B. Sawaoka. Tokyo: Springer-Verlag, 1993, p.177-194.
- Gordopolov Yu.A., Merzhanov A.G. Shock waves in the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis research. AIAA, Prog. Astronaut. and Aeronaut., 1993, v.154, p.539-559.
- Merzhanov A.G. Nonequilibrium theory of flame propagation. In: Combustion, Detonation, Shock Waves: Proc. of the Zel’dovich Memorial, Int. Conf. on Combust., Moscow, 12-17 Sept., 1994 / Ed. S.M. Frolov. V.1. Moscow: Russ. Section Combust. Inst. Publ., 1994, p.20-44; Advances in Combustion Science: In Honor of Ya.B.Zel’dovich /Eds. W.A.Sirignano, A.G.Merzhanov, L. De Luca. Aeronaut. and Astronaut. Publ., 1997, p.37-59 (Ser.: Prog. in Astronaut. and Aeronaut., V.173).
- Merzhanov A.G. Solid flames: discovery, concepts and horizons of cognition. Combust. Sci. and Technol., 1994, v.98, N 4-6, p.307-336.
- Merzhanov A.G. Fluid dynamics phenomena in the processes of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Combust. Sci. and Technol., 1995, v.105, N 4-6, p.295-325.
- Merzhanov A.G. History and new developments in SHS. Ceram. Trans.: Adv. Synth. and Process. of Compos. and Adv. Ceram. (Special Iss.), 1995, v.56, p.3-25.
- Merzhanov A.G. Ten research directions in the future of SHS. Int. J. of SHS, 1995, v.4, N 4, p.323-350.
- Merzhanov A.G. Combustion processes that synthesize materials. J. Mater. Process. Techol., 1996, v.56, p.222-241.
- Merzhanov A.G., Barzykin V.V., Abramov V.G. Heat explosion theory. From N.N.Semenov to the present time. Khim. Fiz., 1996, v.15, N 6, p.3-44.
- Merzhanov A.G. About self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of refractory materials: theory and applications. In: Experimental Heat Transfer , Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 1997: Proc. Of the 4th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Brussels, June 2-6, 1997. Edizioni ETS, Piza, 1997.
- Merzhanov A.G. Fundamentals, achievements, and perspectives for development of solid-flame combustion. Russ. Chem. Bull., 1997, v.46, N 1, p.1-27.
- Merzhanov A.G. Worldwide evolution and present status of SHS as a branch of modern R&D (to the 30th Anniversary of SHS). Int. J. of SHS, 1997, v.6, N 2, p.119-163.
- Merzhanov A.G. Solid flame propagation in model heterogeneous systems. Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 1997, v.353, N 4, p.504-507.
- Barzykin V.V., Merzhanov A.G. Unstable combustion and heterogeneous systems with condenced reaction products- A review. Int. J. of SHS, 1997, v.6, N 4, p.377-398.
- Merzhanov A.G. Combustion Processes and Materials Synthesis/ Ed. by V.T.Telena and A.V.Chachoyan. Chernogolovka, 1998, 512p. (Russ.)
- Merzhanov A.G., Sharivker S.Yu. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of carbides, nitrides, and borides. In: Materials Science of Carbides, Nitrides, and Borides / Ed. by Y.G.Gogotsi and R.A.Andrievski. Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1999, p.205-222.
- Merzhanov A.G. Solid-Flame Combustion (in Russian).Chernogolovka: Izd. ISMAN, 2000, pp.224, 27 tables, 116 figs., 409 refs.
- Merzhanov A.G. and A.S.Rogachev. Discrete Heat Waves in Active Heterogeneous Media: Basic Principles and Introduction to the Theory. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, v.74. Suppl.1, 2000, pp.520-527.
- Ivleva T.P., Merzhanov A.G. Mathematical Modeling for Unstable Solid-Flame Combustion (in Three-Dimensional Case). In Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis: Research and Development. Chernogolovka, izd. "Territoria", 2001, pp.44-69.
- Merzhanov A.G. SHS on the Pathway to Industrialization. Chernogolovka, izd. ISMAN, 2001.
- Tatyana P. Ivleva and Alexander G. Merzhanov. Structure and Variability of Spinning Reaction Waves in Three-Dimensional Excitable Media. Physical review E, 2001, v.64, №3, 036218.
- Merzhanov A.G. Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science RAS (ISMAN). 7 principles of development. Tech. Mashinostr., 2003, 1 (41), pp. 4-15.
- Merzhanov A.G. Combustion and explosion processes in physical chemistry and technology of inorganic materials. Russ. Chem. Rev., 2003, 72 (4), pp. 323-345
- Merzhanov A.G. SHS: Concepts of Current R&D. Preprint ISMAN, 2003.
- Shkadinskii K. G., Ozerkovskaya N. I., Merzhanov A. G. Reactive filtration in porous reactant-active gas-solid product systems. Dokl. Phys. Chem., 2001, v. 381, no. 6, p. 174.
- Nersesyan M.D., Merzhanov A.G. SHS of complex oxides. In: Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Materials, Edited by A. A. Borisov, L. De Luca, and A. Merzhanov, translated by Y. B. Scheck, Combustion Science and Technology Book Series, New York: Taylor & Francis, 2002, v. 5, pp. 176–189.
- Merzhanov A.G., Sychev A.E. SHS in microgravity. In: Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Materials, Edited by A. A. Borisov, L. De Luca, and A. Merzhanov Translated by Y. B. Scheck, Combustion Science and Technology Book Series, New York: Taylor & Francis, 2002, v. 5, pp. 301–322.
- Merzhanov A.G. SHS processes in microgravity activities: First experiments in space. ADV Space. Res., 2002, v.29, no. 4, p.487–495.
- Ivleva T.P., Merzhanov A.G. Modeling of three-dimensional nonadiabatic modes of unstable solid-flame combustion. Dokl. Phys. Chem., 2002, v. 386, nos. 1–3, pp. 218–221.
- Kuznetsov M.V., Parkin I.P., Morosov Yu.G., Merzhanov A.G. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of chromium substituted high-temperature superconductors LnBa2Cu3-xCrxO7-y (Ln = Y, La, Nd, Sm, Yb). Euras. Chem.-Technol. J., 2002, v. 4, no. 2, pp. 73–86.
- Azatyan V.V., Merzhanov A.G., Rubtsov N.M. Kinetic aspects of the processes of chemical deposition of solid materials from the gas phase. Kinet. Katal., 2002, v.43, no. 6, pp.805–812.
- Merzhanov A.G., Rogachev A.S. Phase and structure transformations during SHS. Adv. Sci. Technol., 2003, v.31, p 271-282.
- Merzhanov A.G. The chemistry of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. Mater. Chem., 2004, v. 14, no. 12, pp. 1779–1791.
- Sytschev A.E., Merzhanov A.G. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of nanomaterials, Russ. Chem. Rev., 2004, v. 73, no. 2, pp. 1479–159.
- Merzhanov A.G. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis: Non-equilibrium processes and equilibrium products, Adv. Sci. Technol., 2006, v.45, p 36.
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