SHS Journal
ISMANAcademician Osipyan str., 8
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7 (49652) 46-376International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis
Information for Contributors
Before submission, follow general recommendations for authors of scientific articles to be published in English available at EASE-Guidelines_2016.pdf (662 Kb). Neglect of these recomendations can be regarded as a basis for paper rejection.
The main heading appears in the following order:
Phase Equilibria in the ZrO2–HfO2 System
K. N. Marushkin, G. D. Nipan
Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 31, Moscow, 119991 Russia
e-mail: [your e-mail address goes here]
Received February 23, 2001
Abstract: [text of abstract goes here]
Keywords: [keywords go here]- INTRODUCTION [section heading]
- Early Research [first-level subheading]
- The Latest Findings
- Synthesis
- Calorimetric Measurements
- Heat capacities [second-level subheading]
- Table 1
- Table 2
- Fig. 1
- Fig. 2
- The text should be setup in Times New Roman, font 12, throughout
- All formulae must be drawn using the formula editor of MS Word (or MathType 5) with all necessary details (subscripts, superscripts, bold, italic, etc.). The meaning of indices must be specified in parentheses or context.
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- The list of references must follow the examples given below:
Journal articles:- Aldushin, A.P. and Matkowsky, B.J., Instabilities, fingering, and the Saffman problem in filtration combustion, Combust. Sci. Technol., 1998, vol. 133, no. 4, pp. 293–341. If possible, you should also cite the relevant DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
- Goldshleger, U.I., Amosov, S.D., Shkiro, V.M., and Barzykin, V.V., Planar and spinning combustion waves in systems with infiltration-controlled supply of gas reagents, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 2000, vol. 374, no. 4, pp. 503–506 [Engl. transl. Dokl. Phys. Chem., 2000, vol. 374, nos. 4–6, pp. 183–186]. If possible, you should also cite the relevant DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
- Prasad, P., Propagation of a Curved Shock and Nonlinear Ray Theory, Harlow (UK): Longman Scientific & Technical, 1993. You may also include the page or page range (optional).
- Merzhanov, A.G. and Mukasyan, A.S., Tverdoplamennoe gorenie, (Solid-Flame Combustion), Moscow: Torus Press, 2007. You may also include the page or page range (optional).
- Metal Hydriges, Mueller, W.M., Blackledge, J.P., and Libowitz, G.G., Eds., New York–London: Academic Press, 1968. Translated under the title Gidridy metallov, Moscow: Atomizdat, 1973. You may also include the page or page range (optional).
- Yetter, R.A., Dryer, F.L., and Golden, D.M., Combustion of gases, in Major Research Topics in Combustion, Hussaini, M.Y., Kumar, A., and Voigt, F.G., Eds., New York: Springer, 1992, pp. 309–315.
All symposium papers associated with the International Symposium on Combustion should be cited in the following way:
- Cant, R.S., Pope, S.B., and Bray, K.N.C., Structure of solid flames, Proc. Combust. Inst., 1990, vol. 23, pp. 809–815.
- Trukhin, A.N., Localized States of Silicon Dioxide in Sodium- and Lead-Silicate Glasses, Proc. (Abstr.) 15th Int. Congress on Glass, Leningrad, 1989, vol. 1a, pp. 95–101.
- Ford, W.T., Paper presented at the 189th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Miami, FL, 1985, ORGN 79.
- Johnson, A.S. and Adams, F.W., Use of laser diagnostics in supersonic flows, Report no. SAND87-8003, Sandia National Laboratories, 1987. Authors must ensure that these references are publicly available.
- Ivanov, S.A., Combustion Synthesis of Intermetallics, (a) USSR Inventor's Certificate 127 675, Byull. Izobret., 1983, no. 9, p. 19.
- Lyle, F.R., A Method for Production of Titanium Carbide, US Patent 5 973 257, Chem. Abstr., 1985, vol. 65, p. 2870.
- Cheishvili, T.Sh., Study of the Surface Phenomena in Manganese-Containing Glasses, Cand. Sci./Doctoral (Chem.) Dissertation, Moscow: Inst. Gen. Inorg. Chem., 1981, p. 45.
- Articles should be sent either to Prof. A. Rogachev (, Editor-in-Chief, and/or to Dr. Yu.B. Scheck (, Editor of the English translation.
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