SHS Journal
ISMANAcademician Osipyan str., 8
Moscow Region, 142432
7 (49652) 46-2227 (49652) 46-255
7 (49652) 46-376International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis
Issues 1998–2006
Volume 7, Number 1, 1998
- Surface and Layer-by-Layer Combustion Modes in Gas-Solid Systems V.V.Grachev and T.P.Ivleva 1
- The Effect of Radiation Heat Transfer on the Combustion Wave Propagation in a Heterogeneous System I.A.Filimonov 21
- Interaction of Y with H2 and N2 in the Combustion Mode. Formation of Yttrium Hydride and Hydridonitride A.G.Aleksanyan and S.K.Dolukhanyan 35
- Real time X-ray Diffraction Study of Al3Ni, Al3Ni2, AlNi, and AlNi3 SHS J.F.Javel, F.Charlot, M.Gramond, V.Mathae and J.C.Gachon 43
- Chemical and Phase Transformation during Combustion in the Y2O3-BaO2-Cu-O2 System M.D.Nersesyan, A.G.Peresada, and A.G.Merzhanov 55
- Combustion Synthesis of Al2O3-SiC Nanocomposite Powders C.A.Rodrigues, R.H.G.A.Kiminami, and M.R.Morelli 67
- High pressure Synthesis of Silicon Nitride-Based Materials with Controlled Morphology and Phase Composition B.Liebig and J.A.Puszynski 75
- Accumulation of Mechanical Energy and Slow Burning Transition to Detonation in the CuO-Al System A.R.Torossyan, V.G.Martirossyan, and S.S.Karakhanyan 87
- Field-Activated Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Iron Aluminides K.Kawase and Z.A.Munir 95
- Structure and Properties of Novel Diamond-Containing Materials Produced by Forced SHS Densification and Sintering E.A.Levashov, I.P.Borovinskaya, A.S.Rogachev, M.Ohyanagi, S.Hosomi, and M.Koizumi 103
- Densification Mechanism of Ceramic-Lined Pipes Produced by Centrifugal-SHS Z.Zhu, B.Zhang, Z.Zia, K.Wang, M.Li, and Z.Kang 119
- Consolidation of Radioactive Wastes into Mineral-like Materials by the SHS Method I.P.Borovinskaya, T.V.Barinova, V.I.Ratnikov, V.V.Zakorzhevsky, and T.I.Ignatjeva 129
- The 4th International Symposium on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis 137
- Letter of Information 145
Volume 7, Number 2, 1998
- Investigation of Contact Interaction of Metals under Nonisothermic Conditions A.I.Kirdyashkin, Yu.M.Maksimov, and V.D.Kitler 147
- Reaction Kinetics of SHS of an Intermetallic Compound Magnesium Nickel T.Akiyama, H.Isogai, and J.-I.Yagi 161
- Optimization Method for the Deign of SHS-Based Material K.Shimojima, Y.Yamada, M.Mabuchi, N.Saito, I.Shigematsu, M.Nakanishi, M.Nakamura, T.Asahina, K.Okamoto, and T.Igarashi 173
- Controlled Reactions in SHS-derived Ti-Si-C Materials J.Lis, T.Rudnik, and R.Pampuch 189
- Regularities of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of AlN at Low Nitrogen Pressures V.V.Zakorzhevski and I.P.Borovinskaya 199
- Reaction Analysis on the Combustion Synthesis of Aluminum Nitride K.Tanihata and Y.Miyamoto 209
- Characterization of Spatiotemporal Chaos in SHS C.-C.Chen, Y.-C.Fu, and S.-J.Lee 219
- Optimization of MASHS Parameters to Obtain a Nanometric FeAl Intermetallic F.Bernard, F.Charlot, E.Gaffet, and J.C.Niepce 233
- Comparative Investigation of Multicomponent Films Deposited Using SHS Composite Targets D.V.Shtansky, E.A.Levashov, A.N.Sheveiko, A.H.Grigoryan, and J.J.Moore 249
- Pd/Alumina Catalysts Produced by Combustion Synthesis M.Conceillo Greca, C.Moraes, M.R.Morelli, and A.M.Segadгes 263
- Preparation and Densification of MoSi2/Al2O3-Based Composites Using Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis A.L.Dumont, D.S.Smith, C.Galt, and J.P.Bonnet 269
- Processing of NiAl Intermetallic and NiAl Matrix Composites by the Simultaneous Use of Thermal Explosion and Hot Pressing L.Plazanet and F.Nardou 281
Volume 7, Number 3, 1998
- Computer-Aided Analysis of Microstructure of B-Si-C Composite Obtained from Powders Synthesized by the SHS Method G.Gorny, R.Pampuch, M.Raczka, and L.Stobierski 293
- Temperature Profile Analysis of Combustion Waves in the SHS Thermite Reaction Nb2O5 + Al2Zr R.Tomasi and Z.A.Munir 299
- Thermodynamic Calculation and Processing of TiB2-Cu FGM Changchun Ge, Zhaoxia Wang, and Wenbin Cao 309
- Synthesis and Characterization of CeO2-doped Nanocrystalline ZrO2 E.Zhou, S.Bhaduri, S.B.Bhaduri, I.R.Lewis, and P.R.Griffiths 317
- Study of the Combustion Process in the Synthesis of Zinc Oxide V.C. de Sousa, M.R.Morelli, and R.H.G.A.Kiminami 327
- Use of High Gas Pressure Combustion Synthesis for Joining in Aeronautics M.C.Dumez, R.M.Marin-Ayral, J.C.Tedenac, D.Perraud, O.Pestre, and J.P.Huchin 333
- Use of a Reactive Diluent in the Synthesis of Metal Matrix Composites H.J.Brinkman, J.Duszczyk, and L.Katgerman 343
- The Effect of Additives on Microstructure and Phase Separation of SHS-Densified Materials S.Miao and J.A.Puszynski 349
- Fabrication of Coatings of Oxidation-Resistant Layer by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Y.Yamada, K.Shimojima, M.Namanishi, M.Mabuchi, N.Saito, M.Nakamura, and T.Asahina 361
- Formation of Meta-Stable Zirconium Monoxide ZrO During Thermite Reaction Hot-Pressing X.Zhe, L.M.Watson, and A.Hendry 369
- Erratum 377
- Preparation of Hydrogen Storage Alloy Using a Drop Shaft K.Shimokawa, Y.Suzuki, and H.Minagawa 387
- Research, Manufacture, and Application of Ceramic-Steel Pipes Produced by SHS Reaction in China S.Zhang and X.Zhou 397
- Investigation of TiB2-TiC Composites Produced by SHS and Their Application in Hall-Heroult Cells for Aluminum Electrolysis X.Zhou, S.Zhang, M.Zhu, and B.Chen 403
- Composite Pipe Produced by SHS Centrifugal Process Y.Sheng 409
- Announcement: V International Symposium on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS 99)
Volume 7, Number 4, 1998
- Auto Ignition Synthesis and Consolidation of Nanocrystalline α-Alumina S.Bhaduri, S.B.Bhaduri, and J.G.Huang 413
- SHS Filtration Combustion Techniques of Ceramic Powders P.Amosov, A.G.Makarenko, A.R.Samboruk, B.S.Seplyarsky, V.P.Skobeltsov, and D.V.Zakamov 423
- Kinetic Modeling of Tantalum Carbidization in Combustion Wave S.L.Kharatyan 439
- Effect of Preliminary Mechanical Activation on Ignition, Combustion Steady State, and Phase-Formation During Ceramic Materials Synthesis N.N.Mofa, G.I.Ksandopulo, T.A.Ketegenov, G.P.Metaxa, and N.V.Kossareva 451
- Chemical Rate Processes Involved in SHS of La0.9Sr0.1CrO3 Q.Ming, M.Nersesyan, S.Lin, J.T.Richardson, and D.Luss 457
- Preparation of Fine Powders in the Si-C-N System Using SHS Method D.Kata, J.Lis, R.Pampuch, and L.Stobierski 475
- SHS Method of Production of Al-Ti-B Master Alloy V.I.Nikitin, A.G.Merzhanov, A.G.Makarenko, E.G.Kandalova, and G.S.Lukyanov 487
- Effect of Ti-C-Ni on Combustion Synthesis of TiO2-Al-C System Q.Tang, S.Yin, Y.Wang, and H.Lai 493
- SHS Metalloceramic Materials on Base of Natural Minerals Yu.S.Naiborodenko, E.G.Sergeeva, and A.A.Zhigalin 501
- Product Structure Formation at Gasless Combustion in Ti-Si-C System H.E.Grigoryan, A.S.Rogachev, V.I.Ponomarev, and E.A.Levashov 507
- Controlled Net Shape, Density, and Microstructure of TiC-NiTi Cermets Using Quasi-Isostatic Pressing E.A.Olevsky, E.R.Kristofetz, and M.A.Meyers 517
- Reaction Dynamic Process and Structure Formation Process in Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of TiC/Fe Z.Zou, Z.Fu, and R.Yuan 529
- Gradient Variation of Composition and Chemical Bond of (Ti, Nb)C-Ni Composite Formed by SHS X.Min, K.Cal, C.Nan, and R.Yuan 539
- Index 545
Volume 8, Number 1, 1999
- The Effect of Radio Frequency Heating on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis S.E.Zakiev 1
- Numerical Equations for Analyzing the Process of Combustion Synthesis of Ni-Al Intermetallic Compound Atsushi Hibino 13
- Non-Isothermal Kinetics and Mechanism of Tungsten Siliconizing in Gasless Combustion Wave S.L.Kharatyan and H.A.Chatilyan 31
- Computer Simulation of Shock Wave Compaction of Powders Prepared by SHS in Cylindrical Ampoules V.A.Gorelski and S.A.Zelepugin 43
- Combustion Process and Structural Formation of Ti5Si3 Synthesized by Gas Transporting SHS Hao Wang, E.P.Kostogorov, Zhengyi Fu, and Runzhang Yuan 51
- Formation Process of SHS TiC in Al-Ti-C System Zhang Erlin, Zheng Songyan, Yang Bo, and Ma Mingzhen 59
- Structural Evolution of TiO2-Al-Si in Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis and Mechanical Alloying P.Zivanovic, R.Curcic, Lj.Karanovic, and D.Uskokovic 69
- Processes of Combustion and Phase Formation in the Compositions of the Iron Group Metal Oxides and Aluminum A.V.Simonyan, V.I.Ponomarev, and V.I.Yukhvid 81
- Characteristics of Reactans Bed and Combustion Phenomena in the Si-C System T.Rudnik, J.Lis, and R.Pampuch 95
- Development of Silicon Carbide Coating Technology Through Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Reaction and ECR PECVD Yong Choi, Bong G.Kim, Young W.Lee, and Dong S.Sohn 103
- SHS-Produced Rods for Growing Single Crystals Using the Plasma Arc Melting Method M.A.Ponomarev, Yu.A.Sapronov, and A.S.Shteinberg 111
- Fabrication of Al2O3-TiB2 Composites from SHS Raw Powders by Hot Pressing Z.Y.Fu, W.M.Wang, Y.H.Wang, H.Wang, and R.Z.Yuan 125
- The First Russian-Japanese Workshop on SHS A.E.Sytschev 133
Volume 8, Number 2, 1999
- Formation of the Composition Structure under Gravity-induced.Phase Separetion and Heat Transfer in the System of High-temperature Melt-Metal Substrate. Part I I.S.Gordopolova, T.P.Ivleva, K.G.Shkadinskii, and V.I.Yukhvid 137
- The Mechanism of Initiation and Combustion Laws of SiO2-Al-C System Activated by Fluorocarbons H.H.Nersisyan, L.S.Abovyan, and S.L.Kharatyan 153
- The Specific Features of SHS in the AIN-Y2O3 System and Some Properties of the Final Products
V.V.Zakorzhevskii, S.Yu.Sharivker, I.P.Borovinskaya, T.I.Ignatieva,
and N.V.Sachkova 165 - Morphology of Combustion-Synthesized Intermetallic Compound Tomohiro Akiyama, Hideki Kohno, and Jun-Ichiro Yagi 177
- The Effect of the Aluminum Content on the Product of Al/TiC Composites Synthesized by Combustion Synthesis B.Mei, X.Sun, W.Wang, and R.Yuan 187
- Study on Phase Constitute and Micrography of Thermal Explosive Synthesis of Al+Ti+C System Z.Erlin, Z.Songyan, Z.Xiaochun, and L.Qingchun 195
- Production of Highly Porous Materials by SHS of Long-sized Samples in Combustible Shells M.A.Ponomarev and Yu.A.Sapronov 205
- The Study on Microstructure of Porous Ceramic-lined Pipes Made by Centrifugal-SHS J.Li, M.Zhou, and J.Wang 215
- Structural Transformations of Powder Media in the Wave of SHS V.K.Smolyakov and Yu.M.Maksimov 221
- ISMAN Delegation Business Trip to India 251
Volume 8, Number 3, 1999
- Dynamics of Thermal Explosion in the Post-Induction Period A.G.Merzhanov, N.I.Ozerkovskaya, and K.G.Shkadinsky 253
- Kinetic Study of Synthesis of SiC Powders and Whiskers
in the Presence of KClO and Teflon J.A.Puszynski and S.Miao 265 - Combustion of Titanium With Carbon in Chemically Activated Media H.H.Nersisyan and A.V.Kostanyan 277
- Influence of Cooling Conditions on the Composition,
Microstructure and Activity of SHS Catalyst G.Xanthopoulou and G.Vekinis 287 - Effect of Mechanical Activation of Silicon and Niobium
on SHS Synthesis of Niobium O.G.Terehova, O.A.Shkoda, Yu.M.Maksimov, and L.D.Chalun 299 - Reactive-Casting of NiAl-Based Intermetallic Compounds K.Matsuura, H.Jinmon, T.Ohmi, and M.Kudoh 307
- TiNxCombustion Synthesis with Liquid Nitrogen Filled in a Closed Vessel M.Shibuya, J.F.Despres, and O.Odawara 315
- Influence of a Blowing Agent on Mechanisms of Combustion and Degassing in a Titanium-Carbon Black System V.N.Nikogosov, G.A.Nersesyan, V.A.Shcherbakov, S.L.Kharatyan, and A.S.Shteinberg 321
- Multilayer Component Prepared by Combining Tape Casting and SHS Process J.-P.Bonnet, S.Desiles, A-L.Dumont, T.Chartier, D.S.Smith, and C.Gault 331
- Structure Formation of FGM by Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis
A.G.Merzhanov, A.S.Rogachev, A.E.Sytschev, H.E.Grigoryan,
Chang-Chun Ge, Wen-Bin Cao, and Wei-Ping Shen 339 - Nitride-Oxide Ceramic Composites from SHS-Derived Powders J.Lis, D.Kata, and D.Zientara 345
- Modeling of Solid Phase Detonations C.Richter, H.J.Viljoen, and N.F.J.Rensburg 353
- State of the Art in R&D of SHS Materials in the World Y.Miyamoto 375
- The 5th International Symposium on Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (Moscow, August 16-19, 1999) 385
Volume 8, Number 4, 1999
- Stability of the Final SHS Product Formed in the Ti-C System D.Y.Kovalev, V.M.Shkiro, and V.I.Ponomarev 398
- Modeling of Reactive Synthesis in B4CTi Powder Blends Applied to Thermal Explosion under the Conditions of Enhanced Heat Transfer L.Klinger, I.Gotman, and D.Horvitz 401
- Linear Stability Analysis of Thermal Free Radical Polymerization Waves D.A.Schult and V.A.Volpert 417
- Attaining Maximum Output of Material Synthesis in Filtration Combustion Waves O.S.Rabinovich, I.G.Gurevich, and P.S.Grinchuk 441
- Some Specific Features of Synthesis and Characteristics of SHS (TiB2-AlN-BN)- Based Ceramic Materials I.P.Borovynskaya, V.A.Bunin, G.A.Vishnyakova, and A.V.Karpov 451
- Some Aspects of Intensification of SHS Technology of Production of Refractory Powder Compounds V.D.Zhigarev 459
- In-Situ Joining of Nickel Monoaluminide to Ni-Based Superalloys by High-Pressure Combustion Synthesis C.Pascal, R.M.Marin-Ayral, and J.C.Tedenac 473
- Application of Explosive Shock Compaction to Functionally Graded Materials Produced by SHS Reaction R.Tomoshige, H.Tanaka, A.Kato, K.Imamura, and A.Chiba 487
- Densification Process of TiB2/TiNi Composities through Pressureless SHS M.Shibuya, M.Ohyanagi, and M.Koizumi 501
- Structure of the Ceramic Layer and Quality of the Ceramic-Lined Composite Pipes S.Zhang, X.Zhou, D.Qian, and G.Shen 511
- Self-Propagating High-Temperature Reduction of Toxic Chlorinated Aromatics G.Cocco, S.Doppiu, M.Monagheddu, G.Cao, R.Orru, and M.Sannia 521
Volume 9, Number 1, 2000
- MASHS Process Applied to the Cu3 Si Phase Formation. Kinetic Study of the Reaction Between Cu3 Si and CuCl F.Bernard, H.Souha, E.Gaffet, M.ZenKouar, B.Gillot, and J.C.Niepce 1
- A Rapid-Combustion Synthesis of Scandia and Alumina Doped Zirconia Electrolyte Material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells T.Mathews, N.Rabu, J.R.Sellar, and B.C.Muddle 15
- Dense in situ Composites via Thermal Explosion Mode of SHS Under Pressure I.Gotman and E.Y.Gutmanas 23
- Use of SHS Reactions in Refractory Alloy Fabrication L.J.Keckes 43
- Mechanically Stimulated SHS of Coordination Compounds V.D.Makhaev, A.P.Borisov, V.V.Aleshin, and L.A.Petrova 59
- Separation of Nitrides from Nitrided SHS Ferroalloys L.N.Chuhlomina, M.Kh.Ziatdinov, and Yu.M.Maksimov 65
- Efficient Continuous SHS-Technology for Production of Ferrite Materials P.B.Avakyan 75
- SHS of New Superhard Material Based on Nonstoichiometric b-SiC M.Gadzyra, G.Gnesin, O.Mykhailyk, O.Shul'zhenko, and O.Bochechka 85
- Preparation of NiAl with High Strength at Elevated Temperatures A.Kitaoka, K.Hirota, M.Yoshinaka, Y.Miyamoto, and O.Yamaguchi 97
- Combustion Wave Propagation During SHS of a Two-Layer System Wen-Ben Cao, Wei-Ping Shen, Chang-Chun Ge, E.H.Grigoryan, A.E.Sytschev, and A.S.Rogachev 105
- Industrial Application of SHS Heat-Resistant Materials M.P.Filonov, E.A.Levashov, A.N.Shulzhenko, I.P.Borovinskaya, V.E.Loryan, and V.A.Bunin 115
- Improvement in Properties of Stainless Steel-Lined Composite Steel Pipe Made by Centrifugal-SHS Yin Sheng, Xi Wenjun, and Lai Hoyi 123
Volume 9, Number 2, 2000
- Gravitation Effects on Liquid Flames Forming Liquid-Gas Suspensions K.G.Shkadinsky, G.V.Shkadinskaya, and B.J.Matkowsky 129
- Thermal Explosion of B4C-Ti, BN-Ti and SiC-Ti Blends in Constrained Dies: Measurement of Kinetic Combustion Parameters and Modeling M.Shapiro, I.Gotman, V.Dudko, and A.Matvienko 143
- Pattern Formation of Combustion Waves Chien-Chong Chen, Chia-Ling Li and Li-Wen Chung 155
- Some Regalarities of a-Si3N4 Synthesis in a Commercial SHS Reactor V.V.Zakorzhevskii and I.P.Borovinskaya 171
- Metal Nitrides Synthesized by Combustion under High Nitrogen Pressure M.Ferretti, A.Martinelli, and V.Buscaglia 193
- The Mechanism of Interaction of Niobium with Carbon and Combustion Limits under Conditions of Chemical Activation H.H.Nersisyan, A.V.Kostanyan, and S.L.Kharatyan 205
- The Mechanism of Chromium Nitriding Using SHS B.Sh.Braverman, M.Kh.Ziatdinov, and Yu.M.Maksimov 217
- Study of Synthesis of Lined Ceramic Layer in Pipes Produced by Thermit SHS Process Du Xinkang, Wang Jianjiang, Ye Minghui, Zhao Zhongmin and Zhang Long 223
- Technology to Control the Thickness of the Ceramic Layer in Minor-Caliber Ceramic-Lined Pipes Shuhua Li, Shuangxi Wang, Jianjiang Wang, and Junshou Li 231
- Dynamic Recrystallization and Superplasticity in SHS-Produced Off-Stoichiometric Titanium Carbide N.G.Zaripov, O.A.Kaibyshev, L.V.Petrova, and Yu.A.Gordopolov 237
- The Use of Halides in SHS Azide Technology George V.Bichurov 247
Volume 9, Number 3, 2000
- An Optimum Choice of the Three-Parameter Expressions for Approximation of the Dynamic Adiabates of the SHS and Other Condensed Systems V.S.Trofimov 269
- Nanocrystalline NbAl3 Synthesis by MASHS with In-Situ and Post-Mortem Characterizations F.Bernard, V.Gauthier, E.Gaffet, and J.P.Larpin 281
- Self-Propagating Synthesis of Iron(III) Acetylacetonate after Mechanical Activation of the System FeCl3-NaC5H7O2 V.D.Makhaev, A.P.Borisov, V.V.Aleshin, L.A.Petrova, and B.M.Zuev 297
- The effect of mechanical treatment on the rate and limits of combustion in SHS processes M.A.Korchagin, T.F.Grigorieva, A.P.Barinova, and N.Z.Lyakhov 307
- Combustion Synthesis of Al25-xNixTi75 (0<x<10) by Time Resolved X-Ray Diffraction O.Held, Ch.Gras, F.Charlot, D.Vrel, and J.C.Gachon 321
- Intermetallic-Ceramic Composites Synthesis by SHS.Time-Resolved Studies Using Synchrotron Radiation X-rays C.Curfs, I.G.Gano, G.B.M.Vaughan, M.A.Rodriguez, X.Turillas, and A.Kvick 331
- Self-Propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS) of Ni50Ti50, Ni45Ti55, Ni50-yTi50-yAl2y (0<y<3) Observed by Time Resolved X-Ray Diffraction (TRXRD) O.Held, D.Vrel, and J.C.Gachon 341
- Development of Recycling Process for Industrial Wastes by SHS Y.Miyamoto, S.Kanehira, K.Hirota, and O.Yamaguchi 357
- Combined Gravitational and Magneto-Electrical SHS Effects Yu.G.Morozov 363
Volume 9, Number 4, 2000
- Solitons and Non-Equilibrium Reactions in Solid Phases Hendrik J.Viljoen and Lee L.Lauderback 373
- Chemically Stimulated Combustion in Zr/SiO2/C System and Synthesis of ZrO2/SiC Composite Ceramic Powders Containing SiC Whiskers A.V.Kostanyan, H.H.Nersisyan, S.L.Kharatyan, R.Orru, and G.Cao 387
- Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of Finely Dispersed Titanium Carbide D.Yu.Belov, I.P.Borovinskaya, and S.S.Mamyan 403
- Electroexploded Metastable Metal Powders with Stored Energy for Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis G.V.Ivanov, V.G.Surkov, F.Tepper, and Han Wei 411
- Formation of Metal Sulphides in Combustion of Metal Nitrates Complex Compounds with Sulphur-Containing Organic Ligands R.K.Tukhtaev, V.V.Boldyrev, A.I.Gavrilov, Z.A.Saveljeva, S.V.Larionov, L.I.Myachina 419
- Production of Disilicide by Combustion Reaction: Interest of Using a Mechanical Activation Step Ch.Gras, E.Gaffet, F.Bernard, D.Vrel, and J.C.Niepce 429
- The Structure of the Ni3Al Intermetallic Composition Synthesized Under Compression in the Powder Mixture of Pure Elements M.V.Fedorischeva, V.E.Ovcharenko, O.B.Perevalova, and E.V.Kozlov 445
- Evaluation of the Defects in High-Resistance Composite Layer by Electrochemistry NDT Z.Guo, F.Zhuang, T.Lin, F.Wu, and S.Yin 457
- Optimization Method for SHS-FGM Material Design by Genetic Algorithm K.Shimojima, Y.Yamada, M.Mabuchi, N.Saito, I.Shigematsu, M.Nakanishi, M.Nakamura, T.Asahina, M.Kato, and T.Igarashi 463
- Index 473
Volume 10, Number 1, 2001
- Mathematical Modelling of Three-Dimensional Spinning Modes of Gasless Combustion Waves T.P. Ivleva and A.G. Merzhanov 1
- Calculation of an Equilibrium Temperature in the Ideal Detonation Wave in the Zinc-Sulfur SHS System S.I. Torunov and V.S. Trofimov 13
- Relationships between the Adiabatic Temperature and Some Thermochemical Quantities for Binary Transition Metal Carbides A. Martinelli and M. Ferretti 23
- Structure of HCS and Its Influence on Combustion Wave Yu.V. Frolov, A.N. Pivkina, and V.V. Aleshin 31
- Formation of a Low-Temperature Plasma during an SHS Process O.K. Kamynina, N.I. Kidin, V.A. Koudryashov, A.S. Rogachev, and L.M. Umarov 55
- Use of SHS Powders Increases the Reliability of Advanced Ceramics R. Pampuch, L. Stobierski, J. Lis 63
- Synthesis of Mineral-like Ceramics for Immobilization of Radioactive Wastes T.V. Barinova, I.P. Borovinskaya, V.I. Ratnikov, T.I. Ignatjeva, and V.V. Zakorzhevsky 77
- SHS Matrix Materials For Immobilization of PuO2 and Other Radionuclides Avramchik A.N., Lepakova O.K., Naiborodenko Yu.S., Shkoda O.A., Kitler V.D., Balakhonov V.G., Matyukha V.A., Safin B.R., and Katushonok A.N. 83
- Preparation of Fine Tungsten Powder from Sheelite by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis P. Zivanovich, R. Curcich, G. Djurkovich, V. Jokanovich, and D. Uskokovich 91
- Reaction Characteristics of the Fillers for SHS Welding of SiC Ceramic to Ni-Based Superalloy Shujie Li, Shen Liu, Huiping Duan, and Shuhua Li 99
Volume 10, Number 2, 2001
- Mechanical Alloying in the SHS research F.Bernard and E.Gaffet 109
- Transition to Chaos in Condensed Phase Combustion with Reactant Melting C.S. Raymond, A. Bayliss, B.J. Matkowsky, and V.A. Volpert 133
- The Influence of Infiltration and Reactant Gas Pressure on Spin Combustion in Gas-Solid System I.A. Filimonov, N.I. Kidin, and A.S. Mukasyan 151
- Formation of the Composition Structure under Gravity-induced Phase Separation and Heat Transfer in the System of High-temperature Melt-Metal Substrate. Part II. The Influence of the Phase Thermal Conductivity on the Structure Formation I.S. Gordopolova, T.P. Ivleva, K.G. Shkadinsky, and V.I. Yukhvid 177
- Synthesis of Lead Ferrite in a Combustion Mode K.S. Martirossyan, P.B. Avakyan and M.D. Nersesyan 193
- Use of SHS-Powders in Synthesis of Complex Ceramic Materials R. Pampuch, L. Stobierski and J. Lis 201
- SHS Synthesis of Nanocomposite AlN-SiC Powders L. Stobierski, Z. Wegrzyn, J. Lis, and M. Bucko 217
- SHS-Produced Composite Materials Sheng Yin 229
- SHS on the Pathway to Industrialization A.G.Merzhanov 237
- Erratum for "Analytical Expressions for Velocity of the Combustion Front in Gas: Solid Self-Propagating High-Temperature Reactions With No Filtration Limitations," R. Orru and G. Cao, vol. 5, no. 3 257
Volume 10, Number 3, 2001
- Nano-Crystalline Ceramics by Solid State Thermolysis of Organometallic Polymers F. Aldinger, S. Prinz, N. Janakiraman, R. Kumar, M. Christ, M. Weinman and A. Zimmermann 249
- Kinetics and Thermodynamics of SHS Reactions J.A. Puszynski 265
- SHS in electric and magnetic fields Yu.M. Maksimov, V.I. Itin, V.K. Smolyakov and A.I. Kirdyashkin 295
- The Dynamics of Phase Formation in the Ti-xB(C) System at Its Combustion under Nitrogen and Air D.Y. Kovalev, V.M. Shkiro D.Y., V.I. Ponomarev and A.G. Merzhanov 331
- Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) of Several Intermetallic Compounds Prepared by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis (SHS) K. Hirota, S. Nakane, M. Yoshinaka and O. Yamaguchi 345
- The Induction Assisted Chemical Oven Technique (INDACO) Applied to the Nitridation of b-Ti63Nb37 A.Martinelli and M.Ferretti 359
Volume 10, Number 4, 2001
- Critical Phenomena at Autowave Propagation E.N. Rumanov 367
- Energy Method Simulation of SHS Pressing Process of Products of Ti C Ni System A.P. Amosov and A.F. Fedotov 387
- High Pressure Bulk Nitridation of Transition Metals by Combustion A. Martinelli and M. Ferretti 403
- Combustion Behavior of Nanoscale SHS Reactions C-C. Chen and M-C. Chiu 417
- SHS TiB2-Based Multiphase Ceramics and Composites R. Yuan, Z. Fu, W. Wang, and H. Wang 435
- Carbides And Borides Produced by SHS to Manufacture Cermets For Wear-Resistant Applications P. L. De Cola, D. Vallauri, G. Maizza, I. Amato, and V.A. Shcherbakov 451
- The Different Shapes of Second-Phase Particles in Fe-TiC Metal Matrix Composites Formed by Combustion Casting I. Samajdar, A. Ingle, A.K. Shah, and V.P. Deshmukh 463
- One-Sided Compaction of Reacting Binary Mixtures O.V. Lapshin and V.K. Smolyakov 477
- Index 491
Volume 11, Number 1, 2002
- Mechanisms of the Formation of Chromium Carbides Under the Activated Combustion Mode H. H. Nersisyan, S. L. Kharatyan and Kh. V. Manukyan 1
- Activation of Titanium Nitride Synthesis V. Rosenband and A. Gany 13
- The Influence of High-temperature Melt Infiltration under Centrifugal Forces on SHS Processes in Gasless Systems V. N. Sanin, V. I. Yukhvid and A. G. Merzhanov 31
- Some Macrokinetic Regularities of Polymerization of Nitrate of Co(II) Acrylamide Complex by the SHS Method A. G. Merzhanov, A. M. Stolin, V. I. Yukhvid, V. I. Ponomarev, and Lyubov S. Stelmakh 45
- Investigation and Properties of Niobium Nitrides Obtained from SHS-nitrides Ferroniobium L. N. Chuhlomina, M. Kh. Ziatdinov 55
- Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of Oxide and Composite Materials Under Centrifugal Forces V. I. Yukhvid, V. N. Sanin, M. D. Nersisyan, and D. Luss 65
- Continuous SHS Technology and Properties of Soft Magnetic Ferrites P. B. Avakyan, M. D. Nersesyan, A. G. Merzhanov, and J. T. Richardson 81
- The Method of Successive Enrichment of the Product as Applied to Zircon Synthesis S. G. Vadchenko, I. P. Borovinskaya and M. Gutierrez 93
- Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Functionally Graded Targets with a Ceramic Working Layer of TiB2-TiN or Ti5Si3-TiN E. A. Levashov, D. V. Larikhin, D. V. Shtansky, A. S. Rogachev, H. E. Grigoryan, and J. J. Moore 99
- MgO/MgAl2O4 Refractories by SHS G. Xanthopoulou and G. Vekinis 117
Volume 11, Number 2, 2002
- Steady State Combustion Wave Characteristics A. P. Aldushin, A. Bayliss and B. J. Matkowsky 131
- Computer-Aided Analysis of Microstructure of SHS-derived Ceramic Composites G. Gorny, M. Raczka and L. Stobierski 173
- Time-Resolved XRD Experiments Adapted to SHS Reactions: Autoreview F. Bernard, S. Paris, D. Vrel, M. Gailhanou, J. C. Gachon, and E. Gaffet 181
- Functionally Gradient Materials in Binary Systems: Modeling and Characteristics M. Lopacinski and J. Lis 191
- Influence of Mechanical Activation on Phase and Structure Formation of Niobium Silicides O. A. Shkoda, O. G. Terechova, V. I. Itin, and L. D. Chalyck 201
- Dense TiB2/Al2O3 Composites by Thermal Explosion Under Pressure Y. Y. Gutmanas, I. Gotman and M. Shapiro 207
- Properties and Application Of Ceramic-lined Composite Steel pipes ShuGe Zhang, XiaoXin Zhou and DongHao Qian 219
Volume 11, Number 3, 2002
- Three-dimensional Nonstationary Modes of Solid-flame Combustion under Nonadiabatic Conditions T.P. Ivleva and A.G. Merzhanov 229
- Macrokinetic Laws of Silicon Powder Synthesis by Metallothermal SHS J.N. Lee, H.H. Nersisyan, C.W. Won, D. Belov, I.P. Borovinskaya, and A.G. Merzhanov 245
- Percolation Combustion: Is it Possible in SHS? O.S. Rabinovich, P.S. Grinchuk, B.B. Khina, and A.V. Belyaev 257
- Combustion of Vanadium-Carbon Powder Mixtures at Low O2 Pressure A. Martinelli and M. Ferretti 271
- Reactivity Study of a Dense Nanostructured MoSi2 Produced from MAFAPAS F. Bernard, Ch. Gras, J.P. Larpin, C. Valot, E. Gaffet, and Z.A. Munir 279
- SHS Synthesis of Magnesium Silicide D. Horvitz and I. Gotman 289
- Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of Magnesioferrites P.B. Avakyan, V.G. Andreev, G.D. Grigoryan, H.V. Abovyan, A.M. Petrosyan, and N.W. Martirosyan 299
Volume 11, Number 4, 2002
- Dynamics of Phase Formation in the Ti-C-B System during SHS D.Yu. Kovalev, V.M. Shkiro. V.I. Ponomarev, and A.G. Merzhanov 307
- Investigation of Conditions of High-Temperature Synthesis of Intermetallic Compounds with Low Heat of Formation Yu.S. Naiborodenko, N.G. Kasatsky, Ye.G. Sergeeva, and O.K. Lepakova 317
- New Measuring Techniques of Electric Field Generated by Combustion Synthesis K.S. Martirosyan, I.A. Filimonov and Dan Luss 325
- SHS of Ti2AlC and Ti3AlC2 Machinable Ceramics Y. Khoptiar, I. Gotman and E.Y. Gutmanas 335
- Makrokinetics of Power Compaction of a Reacting Gas-Free Mixture Containing a Low-Melting Component O.V. Lapshin and V.K.Smolyakov 345
- In Situ Synthesis of Oxide Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC's) Based on Powder Blends of Fly Ash with Magnesium and Aluminum I. Gutman, I. Gotman, and M. Shapiro 367
- Index 377
Volume 12, Number 1, 2003
- The Theory Of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Functionally Gradient Materials V.K. Smolyakov and V.G. Prokofiev Abstract 1
- Formation of Microstructure of Products of Heterogeneous Chemical Reaction during Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis A.S. Rogachev, S.A. Kirillov, N.V. Sachkova Abstract 11
- Macrokinetic Laws of Activated Combustion during Synthesis of Composite Ceramic Powders Based on Silicon Nitride S.L. Kharatyan, Kh.V. Manukyan, H.H. Nersisyan, and H.L. Khachatryan Abstract 19
- Ignition and Burning Analysis of Ti-B and Ti-B-C SHS Systems Amir-Farzad Mohsenian-Rad, Hamid Shahrokh and Mehdi N.Fesharaki Abstract 35
- Structure Transformation upon Hot Deformation of SHS-Produced Off-Stoichiometric Titanium Carbide Yury A. Gordopolov and Nail G. Zaripov Abstract 47
Volume 12, Number 2, 2003
- Modeling of Self-Propagating Reactions: Past Approaches and Future Directions A.M. Locci, A. Cincotti, F. Delogu, R. Orru, and G. Cao Abstract 61
- Self-Heating by Joule Dissipation during Gas-Solid Combustion Reactions K.S. Martirosyan, I.A. Filimonov and D. Luss Abstract 91
- Reinforcement of Very Porous SiC Ceramics Prepared by SHS by Adding Nanometric SiC Powder in the Reactive Compact A. Morancais, D. Balhoul-Hourlier and J.-P. Bonnet Abstract 99
- Use of Nanosize Reactants in SHS Processes J.A. Puszynski, B. Liebig, S. Dargar, and J. Swiatkiewicz Abstract 107
- Silicides as a bonding phase for diamond compacts L. Jaworska , L. Stobierski , J. Lis , J. Morgiel, B. Krolicka, and W. Maziarz Abstract 121
- Freeform Fabrication of Intermetallics By Reactive Rapid Prototyping J. Oh, S. Kirihara, Y. Miyamoto, K. Matsuura, and M. Kudoh Abstract 129
- Properties of a Dense Nanostructured FeAl Produced by MAFAPAS S. Paris, C. Pignini, S. Chevalier, O. El Kedim, E. Gaffet, Z.A. Munir, and F. Bernard Abstract 137
- SHS for a Large-Scale Synthesis Method of Transition Metal Nanopowders H.H. Nersisyan, J.N. Lee and C.W. Won Abstract 149
Volume 12, Number 3, 2003
- Some Applications of TiAl Micropowders Produced by Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis R. Mania, M. Dabrowski, E. Godlewska, S. Kozinski, A. Rutkowska, B. Trybalska, and K.Wojciechowski Abstract 159
- Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Al-Ti-B in the ISS: Reactor Design and Preliminary Evaluation J. De Wilde, L. Froyen, R. Orru, G. Cao, I.A. Beloki, A.E. Sytschev, A.S. Rogachev, D. J. Jarvis, L.Vautmans, F. Preud’homme, and R. Licheri Abstract 165
- Solid State Synthesis of Ti-Al Composites by Foil Metallurgy I. Shiota, H. Kohri, and M. Kato Abstract 179
- Phase Transformation of Ferrites by Gas-Solid Combustion Synthesis K.S. Martirosyan, G.D. Grigoryan, and P.B. Avakyan Abstract 187
- Kinetics and Mechanisms of Titanium Carbide Formation by SHS Using Time-resolved X-ray Diffraction and Infrared Thermography N. Karnatak, S. Dubois, M.F. Beaufort, and D. Vrel Abstract 197
- Synchrotron Characterization of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of TiC-TiB2 P. Mossino, D. Mazza, G.B.M. Vaughan, and I. Amato Abstract 211
- Joining and Coating of Intermetallic Compounds to Metallic Materials by Reactive Casting K.Matsuura, T.Ohmi, M.Kudoh, and Y.Miyamoto Abstract 223
- The Synthesis of NiAl Using the Pulse Plasma Method with the Participation of the SHS Reaction A. Michalski, J. Jaroszewicz and M. Rosinski Abstract 237
- In Memoriam: Prof. Vadim Vasil'evich Barzykin, 1931-2003 247
Volume 12, Number 4, 2003
- Measurement of Thermal Diffusivities during Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis D. Vrel, N. Karnatak, E.M. Heian, S. Dubois, and M.-F. Beaufort Abstract 249
- Reaction Kinetics and Phase Segregation in the 3NiO + 2Al → 3Ni + Al2O3 Thermite System D. Vrel, P. Langlois, E.M. Heian, N. Karnatak, S. Dubois, and M.-F. Beaufort Abstract 261
- SH-Synthesis of BaMgAl10O17:Eu2+ Blue-Emitting Phosphor. Influence of Additives on the Emission Characteristics H.H. Nersisyan, J.H. Lee, J.E. Lee, K.B. Kim, and C.W. Won Abstract 271
- Influence of the Reduction Agents on the Microstructure and Tetragonality of BaTiO3 Powder Prepared by SHS J.H. Lee, H.H. Nersisyan and C.W. Won Abstract 283
- Reactive Processing of Dense MgB2 Superconductor from Mg-2B Powder Blend I. Zlotnikov, I. Gotman, and E.Y. Gutmanas Abstract 295
- Optimisation Procedure of the Nial Combustion Synthesis under High Gas Pressure in Repairing Ni-based Superalloys M.C. Record, C. Pascal, N. Frety, J.C. Tedenac, and R.M. Marin-Ayral Abstract 303
- Preparation of Ceramic Composites from Plants R. Tomoshige, R. Nagase, H. Yatsukawa, A. Kato, T. Ashitani, and K. Sakai Abstract 313
- SHS Technology for In-Situ Resource Utiluzation in Space E. Miyazaki and O. Odawara Abstract 323
- Low- and High-Temperature Corrosion Resistance of a Dense Nanostructured MoSi2 Produced by MAFAPAS S. Chevalier, JP. Larpin, E. Gaffet, Z.A. Munir, and F. Bernard Abstract 333
Volume 13, Number 1, 2004
- Effect of Nanostructured Reactants on TiC Combustion Synthesis and Microstructure E.M.Heian, N.Karnatak, D.Vrel, M.-F. Beaufort, and S.Dubois Abstract 1
- Effect of Carbon Addition on High Pressure Combustion Synthesis Between Titanium and Nitrogen D. Carole, N. Frety, J.C. Tedenac, and R.M. Marin-Ayral Abstract 13
- Formation of Composition, Macro- and Microstructures of SHS Cast Composite Materials Based on Carbides with an Intermetallic Binder V.A. Gorshkov, V.I. Yukhvid, N.V. Sachkova, and T.I. Ignatieva Abstract 23
- Microstructural Study of TiC Formed during Initial Stages of Combustion Synthesis B. Cochepin, E. M. Heian, D. Vrel, and S. Dubois Abstract 31
- FTIR Studies Of Sintered SiC Derived From SHS Powders E. Ermer and L. Stobierski Abstract 41
- Composite from Mo-Al Intermetallic Compounds and Aluminum Nitride R. Mania, L. Stobierski, E. Godlewska, S. Kozinski, and K. Mars Abstract 49
- Mathematical Modeling of the Dynamics of Macroscopic Structural Transformations in Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis V.K.Smolyakov Abstract 53
- Deformation of Porous Materials during Combustion Processes A.M. Stolin and L.S. Stelmakh Abstract 71
- Processing of Aluminum Nickelides by Hot Explosive Consolidation L.J. Kecskes , R.H. Woodman, N.M. Chikhradze, and A.B. Peikrishvili Abstract 79
Volume 13, Number 2, 2004
- Combustion Synthesis of AlN Powder and its Sintering Properties C.N. Lin, C.Y. Hsieh, S.L. Chung, J. Cheng, and D.K. Agrawal Abstract 93
- Microstructural Study of Titanium Nitride Produced by High Pressure Combustion Synthesis D. Carole, N. Frety, J.C. Tedenac, and R.M. Marin-Ayral Abstract 107
- Formation of Intermetallic-lined Microchannels is Sintered Metals by Local Reactive Infiltration T. Ohmi, K. Matsuura and M.Kudoh Abstract 121
- Combustion Synthesis and Processing of Fe-40 at% Al Modified with Alumina E. Godlewska, S. Szczepanik, R. Mania, B. Trybalska, S. Kozinski, and J. Krawiarz Abstract 131
- Cermet/Intermetallic Joining by Centrifugal Combustion Synthesis T. Ohmi, K. Matsuura and M. Kudoh Abstract 137
- Fast Thermal Cutting of Metallic Materials by SHS Type of Reactions H. Wang, P. Pranda and V. Hlavacek Abstract 147
- Development of Forced SHS Compaction to Produce a Construction Alloy with Improved Mechanical Properties in the Ti-C-Ni-Mo System V.L. Kvanin, N.T. Balikhina, I.P. Borovinskaya, S. Li, and D. Gao Abstract 161
- R&D on Nanodiamond Formation and Application A.V. Gubarevich, J.Kitamura, S. Usuba, H. Yokoi, Y. Kakudate, E.Miyazaki, and O. Odawara Abstract 171
- Application of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis to High-current Electronics O.Yu. Dolmatov, D.G. Demyanuk and M.P. Rychkevitch Abstract 183
Volume 13, Number 3, 2004
- Spontaneous Deformation during Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis О.K. Kamynina, А.S. Rogachev, А.E. Sytschev, and L.M. Umarov Abstract 193
- Thermal Imaging Studies of the SHS Preparation of MgFe2O4 H. Spiers, Q. Pankhurst, I. Parkin, D. Caruana, and M. Kratzer Abstract 205
- Study of the SHS Synthesis of Ti-Al Foams M. Besne, I. Agote, M. Gutierrez, A. Sargsyan, and S. Kharatyan Abstract 209
- The Peculiarities of a Structure Formation Process in a Ti-Al Heterogeneous System at Different Thermal Modes of Synthesis V.V.Evstigneev, V.Y.Filimonov and V.I.Yakovlev Abstract 219
- Combustion Synthesis of Zinc-Manganese-Sulfur Compound Systems H. Tanaka, E. Miyazaki and O. Odawara Abstract 227
- Compression of Powders in Bridgman Anvil: Fracture and Reaction A. Gordopolov, O. Dzenis and H.J. Viljoen Abstract 233
- Characterization of Molybdenum Trioxide Powder for an SHS Process R. Caro, C. Castro, S. Lagos, J. Lisboa, A. Melendez, J. Nanjari, J. Perez, and J. Rivera Abstract 245
Volume 13, Number 4, 2004
- Stability of Thermal Front with Heat Conductivity Dependent on Temperature Petr M. Krishenik and Konstantin G. Shkadinskii Abstract 253
- Thermal Effect of an External Electric Field on High-temperature Combustion Synthesis Igor Filimonov and Nickolai Kidin Abstract 263
- Some Features of SHS-process in the Multilayer Ti/Al Foils A.S. Rogachev, N.A. Kochetov, I.Yu. Yagubova, H.A. Grigoryan, N.V. Sachkova, A.N. Nosyrev, P.A. Tsygankov Abstract 285
- Effect of B on the Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of Ti-Al Intermetallic Compounds Baichun Mu, Qiang Li, Jingyuan Yu, Xudong Sun, and Xiaozhi Hu Abstract 293
- SHS Processing of CoTi Porous Scaffolds for Bone Graft Substitutes O.K. Kamynina, I. Gotman, A.E. Sytschev, and S.G. Vadchenko Abstract 301
- Use of SHS-Materials as Cathodes of Ion Sources A.E. Ligachev, O.K. Lepakova and Yu.M. Maksimov Abstract 311
- Index 321
Volume 14, Number 1, 2005
- Dynamics of Thermal Explosion in Porous Media–Gas Reagent–Solid Product Systems K.G. Shkadinskii, N.I. Ozerkovskaya, A.G. Merzhanov Abstract 1
- Interaction Kinetics in SHS: Is the Quasi–Equilibrium Solid–State Diffusion Model Valid? B.B. Khina Abstract 21
- Phenomenological Approach to 3D Spinning Combustion Waves: Numerical Experiments with a Rectangular Rod D.V. Strunin and S.A. Suslov Abstract 33
- Dynamics of Phase and Chemical Transformations in the Combustion Wave of the Thermit Composition NiO/Ni/Al А.N. Ignat’ev, M.Y. Shiriaeva, D.Y. Kovalev, V.I. Ponomarev, V.N. Sanin, and V.I. Yukhvid Abstract 41
- Halogen Gas/Aerosol In situ Generation by Low-exothermic SHS Method H. Wang, M. Simo, R.R. Trainor, P.M. Jay, V. Hlavacek, and P. Dinka Abstract 55
- Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of Porous Materials Based on the Ti-Si-Al-C System S.G. Vadchenko, V.I. Ponomarev and A.E. Sytschev Abstract 67
- Method of SHS Processing the Reactor Graphite Waste Including Fuel Fragments: Thermodynamic and Experimental Modeling O.K. Karlina, V.L. Klimov, G.Yu. Pavlova, G.A. Bergman, B.G. Trusov, and A.Yu. Yurchenko Abstract 77
Volume 14, Number 2, 2005
- Nanocrystalline TiC Combustion-Synthesized From Nanostructured Reactants and TiC Diluent B. Cochepin, V. Gauthier, M.F. Beaufort, D.Vrel, J.P. Bonnet, and S. Dubois Abstract 87
- Reaction Mechanism for Thermite Combustion Synthesis of Ni3Al T. Ohmi, M. Kudoh, K. Matsuura, and M.Iguchi Abstract 99
- Time-resolved X-ray Diffraction during Combustion in the Ti-C-B System V.I. Ponomarev and D.Yu. Kovalev Abstract 111
- Solid State Synthesis of Ti-Al Composites with Metal Fiber I. Shiota, H. Kohri and M. Kato Abstract 117
- Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis of Oxide Solid Solutions Al2O3/Cr2O3/Fe2O3 A.G. Tarasov, V.A. Gorshkov, V.I. Yukhvid, and N.V. Sachkova Abstract 125
- The Application of Self-Propagating High Temperature (Combustion) Synthesis (SHS) for In-Situ Fabrication and Repair (ISFR), and In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) J.J. Moore, H.C. Yi and J.Y. Guigne Abstract 131
Volume 14, Number 3, 2005
- On the Mechanism of Nitrogen Diffusion in Nitrides I.A. Filimonov and N.I. Kidin Abstract 151
- Principles and Methods for Regulation of Dispersed Structure of SHS Powders: From Monocrystallites to Nanoparticles A.P. Amosov, I.P. Borovinskaya, A.G. Merzhanov, and A.E. Sytschev Abstract 165
- A Study In Mechanochemistry: Pressure Induced Reactions, Nonequilibrium Phenomena Hendrik J. Viljoen and Alexander Gordopolov Abstract 187
- Structure Formation of SrAl2O4 Synthesized by Solution Combustion Synthesis H. Tanaka, H. Wada and O. Odawara Abstract 199
- On Glass Formation in the TiB2-Containing CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 System Prepared by Self-Propagating High Temperature (Combustion) Synthesis H.C. Yi, J.Y. Guigne, J. Moore, L.A. Robinson and A.R. Manerbino Abstract 209
- SHS Metallurgy of Titanium Aluminides D.E. Andreev, V.N. Sanin and V.I. Yukhvid Abstract 219
- Synthesis through SHS of Titanium Carbide-Titanium Diboride-Based Composites for Wear Resistant Applications P. Mossino, D. Vallauri, F.A. Deorsola, B. DeBenedetti, I. Amato, L. Pederiva, and R. Dal Maschio Abstract 235
Volume 14, Number 4, 2005
- Peculiarities of Liquid Melt Filtration in a Porous Matrix N.N. Smirnov, V.F. Nikitin and J.C. Legros Abstract 243
- Sol-Gel Auto-Ignition Synthesis: Overview of Some Recent Results X.T. Su, Q.Z. Yan, Z.Q. Liu, W.F. Zhang, X.H. Ma, and C.C. Ge Abstract 273
- Study On Reactive Freefrom Fabrication of Ti-Ni Alloy By 3-D Micro-Welding W. Xu, T. Katou, J. Oh, S. Kirihara, Y. Miyamoto, and Z.H. Jin Abstract 187
- Effects of Environmental Gas on Combustion Synthesis and Microstructure of Ni3Ti TiCx composites D.E. Burkes, J.J. Moore, H.C. Yi, G. Gottoli, and R.A. Ayers Abstract 293
- Synthesis of Carbide-Aluminide Cermets K. Matsuura, Y. Hikichi, Y. Obara, T. Ohmi and M. Kudoh Abstract 305
- Mechanically Activated Reactive Sintering of Mg-Ni-Fe System Hydride I. Saita and T. Akiyama Abstract 313
- Synthesis of Ternary Phases in the C-Mg-Ni System by Combustion A. Martinelli, M. Ferretti and M.R. Cimberle Abstract 321
- Acid Resistance and Electron Microscopy of Hot Shock Consolidated TiN-TiB2 Composites R. Tomoshige, A. Murayama, T. Nishitani and T. Matsushita Abstract 329
- Phase Formation in the Ti-B System A.G. Merzhanov, D.Yu. Kovalev, V.M. Shkiro, and V.I. Ponomarev Abstract 337
- Index 345
Volume 15, Number 1, 2006
- Nonstationary Combustion Waves A.Yu.Dovzhenko, E.N. Rumanov and I.E.Rumanov Abstract 1
- Percolation Phenomena in Heterogeneous Combustion of Condensed Mixtures O.S. Rabinovich, P.S. Grinchuk, N.A. Kochetov, and A.S. Rogachev Abstract 17
- Influence of Molybdenum and Boron Oxides on Combustion in the Mo-B Gasless System A.V. Egishyan, Kh.V. Manukyan, A.B. Harutyunyan, and S.L. Kharatyan Abstract 33
- Synthesis of Ceramics in an SHS Reaction Ignited with the other One O. Guellati, M. Ali-rachedi, W. Bounour, A. Benaldjia, M. Guerioune, and D. Vrel Abstract 41
- Titanium Diboride Titanium Aluminides Composites Prepared by SHS under Normal and Microgravity Conditions: A Microstructural Study F. Lemoisson, J. De Wilde, R. Orru, I.A. Beloki, R. Licheri, A. Sytchev, A. Rogachev, G. Cao, D.J. Jarvis, and L. Froyen Abstract 49
- Ba3(Ca1.18Nb1.82)O9-d Nanopowder Made with Sol-gel Auto-igniting Synthesis and Its Electrical Conducting Property X. T. Su, Q. Z. Yan and C. C. Ge Abstract 63
- Synthesis of a Single-Phase RuAl Intermetallic Compound by Reactive Powder Processing H. A. Gobran and F. Mucklich Abstract 71
- Study on the Synthesis and Structural Characterization of the Cermets TiC/Fe by Self-Propagating-High-Temperature Synthesis and by Thermal Explosion B. Bendjemil, K. Zemmour, M. Guerioune, A. Gunth, A. Leonhardt, P. Langlois, and D. Vrel Abstract 85
- Development Prospects of SHS Technologies in Altai State Technical University Evstigneev V.V., Guljaev P.J., Miljukova I.V., GoncharovV. D., Vagner V.A., and Gladkih A.A. Abstract 99
Volume 15, Number 2, 2006
- A Simulation Approach to the Combustion Synthesis of Silicides S. Gennari, F. Maglia, U. Anselmi-Tamburini, and G. Spinolo Abstract 105
- A New Mechanism for Formation of Spatial Oscillations in SHS of Ni/Al Bilayer Foils E.B.K. Washington, D. Aurongzeb, J. M. Berg, D. Osbourne, M. Holtz, M. Pantoya, and H. Temkin Abstract 121
- Combustion of Gasless Systems with a Variable Porosity and an External Gas Exchange V.G. Prokofiev and V.K. Smolyakov Abstract 133
- Role of the Additive Components in Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Silicon Nitride N. Pradeilles, M.C. Record and R.M. Marin-Ayral Abstract 157
- Metastability route to obtain nanocomposites by SHS D. Vallauri, I.C. Atias–Adrian, F.A. Deorsola, I. Amato, and B. DeBenedetti Abstract 169
- Combustion Synthesis of Ultra Fine BN/AlN and BN/B4C Composite Powders: Role of Gasifying Compounds M.A. Hobosyan, H.L. Khachatryan, S.L. Kharatyan, and J.A. Puszynski Abstract 181
- SHS Hydrogenation and following Dehydrogenation of Titanium Sponge V.I. Ratnikov, I.P. Borovinskaya, and V.К. Prokudina Abstract 193
Volume 15, Number 3, 2006
- Numerical Simulation of Initiation of SHS Reactions in a Powder Mixture in a Gap between Heat-Conducting Metal Sheets O.B. Kovalev and K.A. Manaichev Abstract 203
- Advanced Diagnostic Techniques for Experimental Study of the Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS) A.G. Merzhanov and A.S. Rogachev Abstract 215
- The Phenomenon of Multilimit Combustion in the Silicon-Melamine-Promoter System H.L. Khachatryan and S.L. Kharatyan Abstract 229
- Mechanochemically and Thermally Activated Combustion of the B-TiN System Ts.S. Bilyan, Kh.V. Manukyana, S.L. Kharatyan and J.A. Puszynski Abstract 235
- Effect of Nickel Addition on the Ti-C Reaction Process and Microstructural Evolution by SHS W. Bounour, A. Benaldjia, A. Ouari, M. Guerioune and D. Vrel Abstract 247
- SHS of Doped LaGaO3 Perovskite Oxide H. Ishikawa, M. Enoki, T. Ishihara and T. Akiyama Abstract 259
Volume 15, Number 4, 2006
- Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis: A «TriNot» Concept A.G. Merzhanov 269
- Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of a Nuclear Reactor Core Melt for Safety Experiments K. Mwamba, P. Piluso, D. Eyries , and C. Journeau Abstract 284
- Evaluating Thermal Explosion Hazard of Self-Reactive Substances by Using Kinetics-Based Simulation Approach A. Benin, A. Kossoy, I. Sheinman, and P.Grinberg Abstract 297
- Synthesis of Dense Ti-C-Based Cermets by Electro-Thermal Explosion under Pressure with Confinement Mahieddine Ali-Rachedi, Ali Hendaoui, Dominique Vrel, Wafa Bounour, Abdelaziz Amara and Mohamed Guerioune Abstract 308
- Contents of Volume 15, 2006 314
- 06 Mar 2025 Поздравление с 8 марта!
- 21 Feb 2025 Поздравление с Днем защитника Отечества!
- 18 Feb 2025 Профком ИСМАН совместно с МОО ГМПР провели семинар-тренинг по эмоциональной саморегуляции и стресс-менеджменту
ISMAN Website News
- 04 Feb 2025
Internal links:
* The results of the points calculation for the incentive researchers payments 2023/24 (2.18 Mb) - 28 Jan 2025
Internal links:
* Points calculation for the incentive researchers payments 2023/24 - 14 Jan 2025
Internal links:
Procedure for evaluating incentive wage to the research staff of ISMAN involved in state-supported programs 2024