ISMANAcademician Osipyan str., 8
Moscow Region, 142432
7 (49652) 46-2227 (49652) 46-255
7 (49652) 46-376ISMAN Departments
Alymov Mikhail Ivanovich
Prof. Mikhail I. Alymov is currently a director of the Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science (ISMAN), Russian Academy of Sciences. Не graduated from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI) in 1981, got a degree of Cand. Sci. (Phys.) in 1987 and that of Dr. Sci. (Phys.) in 1997. His research interests are and have always been in the field of powder metallurgy and composite materials. In 1997, he got an academic rank of professor in strength physics and in 2008 was selected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Alymov authored about 340 publications, including 17 monographs and 7 patents.
Alymov suggested a number of highly efficient processes for producing structural and functional consolidated nanomaterials that can be implemented to reduce the risks of man-made accidents during production, storage, transportation, and processing of metallic nanopowders, including the process for fabrication of metallic nanomaterials with a hierarchically porous structure.
He is Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Materials and Technologies magazine; Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Letters on Materials; and an editorial board member in such journals as Journal Inżynieria Powierzchni (Surface Engineering, Poland), Russian Metallurgy (Metally), Inorganic Materials; Inorganic Materials: Applied Research, Perspektivnye Materialy, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved.: Powder Metallurgy and Functional Coatings, Deformatsiya i Razrushenie Materialov, Composites and Nanostructures, Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanosciences, International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, and Nanotechnologies in Russia.
Alymov holds a chair of the academic and qualification councils at ISMAN and is a member of the qualification council at IMET. He is a member of the following councils at the Russian Academy of Sciences for the following lines of research: materials and nanomaterials, metallurgy and materials science, inorganic chemistry, ceramic and glass materials, high-purity compounds, and combustion and flame.
He conducts teaching activity as a head of powder metallurgy departments at the Samara National Research University and Ugra State University; and as a supervisor of postgraduate students and applicants.
Alymov is also active as an organizer of regular materials science forums. He is a recipient of multiple scientific achievement awards.
Research Areas
Material science, powder metallurgy, nanomaterials, strength, consolidation, pressing, sintering, shock-wave effects, combustion
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2008)
Some Awards
Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow" (1997),
The gratitude of the President of Russian academy of sciences (1999),
Winner of the National Science Support Foundation (2001 — 2006).
Laureate of Russian Government Award in Science and Engineering. 2017.
The gratitude of the President of Russian Academy of sciences (2017),
Medal "In memory of the 90th anniversary of Institute of Precision Mechanics", Poland (2017),
Breastplate of the Moscow Regional Association of Trade Union Organizations "For Commonwealth", 2017
Contact Information
Mikhail Ivanovich Alymov
Merzhanov Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences (ISMAN)
Academician Osipyan str., 8, Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, 142432, Russia
Phone: +7(49652)46-376
Fax: +7(49652)46-255
- 12 Mar 2025 Поздравляем Полякова М.В. с успешной защитой кандидатской диссертации!
- 06 Mar 2025 Поздравление с 8 марта!
- 21 Feb 2025 Поздравление с Днем защитника Отечества!
ISMAN Website News
- 04 Feb 2025
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* The results of the points calculation for the incentive researchers payments 2023/24 (2.18 Mb) - 28 Jan 2025
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* Points calculation for the incentive researchers payments 2023/24 - 14 Jan 2025
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Procedure for evaluating incentive wage to the research staff of ISMAN involved in state-supported programs 2024