ISMANAcademician Osipyan str., 8
Moscow Region, 142432
7 (49652) 46-2227 (49652) 46-255
7 (49652) 46-376ISMAN Departments
Lines of Research
- Lab. 1. Combustion of Dispersed Systems
- Lab. 2. Heterogeneous Chain Processes
- Lab. 3. Catalytic Processes
- Lab. 4. Nonlinear Processes
- Lab. 5. SHS Melts and Cast Materials
- Lab. 6. Shock-Driven Processes
- Lab. 7. Plastic Deformation Materials
- Lab. 8. Materials Science
- Lab. 9. Physical Stimulation of Physico-Chemical Processes
- Lab. 10. Chemical Analysis
- Lab. 12. Macrokinetics of SHS in Reactors
- Lab. 13. Dynamics of Microheterogeneous Processes
- Lab. 14. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
- Lab. 15. X-Ray Investigation
- Lab. 16. Laboratory of High-Energy Methods for the Synthesis of Ultrahigh-Temperature Ceramic Materials
Lab. 1. Combustion of Dispersed Systems
Seplyarskii B.S., Ph.D.
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion processes
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
Task Objectives
- Mechanism of ignition and combustion for heterogeneous solid–solid and solid–gas systems
- Mechanism of ignition and combustion for hybrid systems (gas suspensions, combined gasless and infiltration systems)
- Macrokinetics of ignition and combustion for gaseous systems
A goal is development of scientific background for regulation of combustion and ignition for the needs of industry.
Laboratory Statutes (32 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 2. Heterogeneous Chain Processes
Prokopenko V.M., Ph.D.
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
- Regulation of combustion/explosion processes; chemical energy sources
Task Objectives
- Specific features of the mechanism/kinetics of chain inflammation, combustion, explosion, and detonation
- Chemical control over gaseous combustion, explosion, and detonation (inhibitors, aerosols, and additives)
- Heterogeneous reactions of atoms and radicals that accelerate combustion
The studies aim at developing the combustion theory and new efficient chemical methods for regulating gaseous combustion and explosion for the needs of industry, such as explosion hazards in mines and some defense applications.
Laboratory Statutes (38 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 3. Catalytic Processes
Borshch V.N., Ph.D.
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
- Regulation of combustion and explosion; chemical energy sources
Task Objectives
- Theoretical and experimental investigation of catalytic systems to synthesize basic products of oil chemistry in direct oxidation of higher alkanes, components of natural and oil-accompanying gases
- Design and investigation of catalysts based on SHS materials for purification of gas outbursts, synthesis of hydrocarbons from non-oil raw materials, and some processes of oil chemistry and refining
Laboratory Statutes (32 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 4. Nonlinear Processes
Krishenik P.M., Dr.Sci.
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
Task Objectives
- Theoretical and experimental investigation of the formation of spatially inhomogeneous structures during exothermic conversion in porous condensed systems in conditions of natural and forced gas infiltration
- Mathematical simulation of combustion modes at the account of scale inhomogeneity of heterogeneous systems. Analysis of wave transformation in conditions of gravitaty-assisted phase segregation
- Development of the methods for theoretical analysis of nonlinear processes that allow prediction of approaching to stationary regime of bifurcation (catastrophe) in complex artificial or natural systems
Investigations are carried out to update the available data on nonlinear exothermic transformations in multicomponent media.
Laboratory Statutes (37 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 5. SHS Melts and Cast Materials
Yukhvid V.I., Dr.Sci., Professor
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
- Synthesis and modification of materials under high dynamic pressures
Task Objectives
- Combustion of heterogeneous thermite-type systems
- Chemical, phase, and structural dynamics in combustion waves and post-combustion processes
- High-temperature fluid dynamic phenomena in combustion waves and post-combustion processes
- Influence of gravity and pressure on the processes accompanying combustion
- Heat/mass exchange between combustion products and environment
- Development of pilot-scale processers
- SHS metallurgy under gas pressurie
- Centrifugal SHS metallurgy
- SHS surfacing
- SHS impregnation of porous media with metal and oxide melts
- SHS metallurgy based on technogeneous wastes
- Design of advanced materials
- Cast refractory materials: oxides, oxynitrides, carbides, borides, silicides, composites and alloys
- Layered materials and protective coatings
- Net-shaped articles (tubes, rods, granules, plates, etc.)
Investigations are aimed at development of new materials with unique properties and combustion-based processes for their synthesis.
Laboratory Statutes (37 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 6. Shock-Driven Processes
Alymov M.I., Dr.Sci., Professor, Corresponding member of the RAS
Basic Lines of Research
- Synthesis and modification of materials under high dynamic pressures
Task Objectives
- Shock impact on chemically interacting substances, shock-driven and detonation synthesis
- Consolidation of dispersed materials under the action of dynamic and quasi-static pressures
- Behavior of metals and alloys in impact waves. The mechanism of bonding and structural transformations at the interface during explosive welding
The objective of investigations is to synthesize new compounds with unique physicochemical properties arising due to the combined use of extreme conditions of shock loading and exothermic SHS systems.
Laboratory Statutes (33 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 7. Plastic Deformation Materials
Stolin A.M., Professor
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
- Synthesis and modification of materials under pressure
Task Objectives
- Influence of mechanical intrusions on combustion process and products; structural mechanics of high-temperature deformation of composite materials; rheology of powder materials
- Theory and practice of solid-phase processes of extrusion, pressing, and stamping of composite materials; mathematical simulation of solid-phase technological processes
- SHS extrusion of new materials and articles of various functional intentions and their practical effectiveness.
The results are expected to provide a scientific background for production of functionally graded materials.
Laboratory Statutes (38 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 8. Materials Science
Sytschev A.E., Ph.D.
Basic Lines of Research
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
- Synthesis and modification of materials under pressure
Task Objectives
- Structure and physicomechanical properties of inorganic materials prepared by combustion/explosion synthesis
- Diffusion and diffusion-assisted processes in combustion/explosion synthesis of inorganic materials
- Combustion/explosion-based physical processes for the needs of industry
- New methods for characterization of inorganic materials
Laboratory Statutes (33 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 9. Physical Stimulation of Physico-Chemical Processes
Shcherbakov V.A., Dr.Sci.
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis SHS)
- Synthesis and modification of materials under high dynamic pressures
Task Objectives
- Energy-stimulated chemical reactions in heterogeneous systems
- Combustion of heterogeneous systems in conditions of quasi-static compression
- Electrothermal explosion in heterogeneous systems in conditions of quasi static compression; mechanism and macrokinetics of rapid high-temperature processes in heterogeneous systems
- Synthesis of ceramic composites by combustion and electrothermal explosion
The studies aim at elucidating the mechanism of synthesis and structure formation in ceramic composites with desired physicomechanical properties. The results can expectedly make a basis for producing new composite materials and optimization of the technology of their synthesis.
Laboratory Statutes (35 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 10. Chemical Analysis
Barinova T.V., Ph.D.
Basic Lines of Research
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
Task Objectives
- Chemical dispersion as a method for isolation of powders (including ultra-dispersed and nanosized ones) from raw SHS products
- Development of methods for chemical analysis of newly synthesized compounds
- Gas-phase composition of SHS materials to determine its influence on product composition
- Localization of oxygen in refractory powders
Laboratory Statutes (33 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 12. Macrokinetics of SHS in Reactors
Grachev V.V., Ph.D.
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
Task Objectives
- Experimental diagnostics of the processes taking place in SHS reactors
- Investigation on the mechanism of composition and structure formation for complex multicomponent blends, including that under high pressures
- Formulation of theoretical backgrounds for development of physicochemical models of SHS by mathematical modeling
The objective of the research is to obtain novel knowledge on the processes of combustion and physicochemical conversions of matter and its application to practical needs.
Laboratory Statutes (37 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 13. Dynamics of Microheterogeneous Processes
Rogachev A.S., Dr.Sci., Professor
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
Task Objectives
- Experimental and theoretical investigation on the dynamics of processes taking place in reacting heterogeneous media on a level of micro, nano, and atomic (crystalline) structure within the SHS wave and under other extreme conditions
- Elucidation of interconnection between local and global (macro) processes during solid-flame combustion; development of microheterogeneous combustion theory and its application to controlling combustion and combustion synthesis of materials
- Elaboration of novel methods for preparation of reactive nanomaterials on the basis of mechanical alloying and other techniques. Characterization of gasless combustion of energetic materials produced by the above methods
Research work is oriented on deeper understanding of combustion mechanisms and creation of reactive nanomaterials by new high-performance methods
Laboratory Statutes (37 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 14. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
Loryan V.E., Dr.Sci.
Basic Lines of Research
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
Task Objectives
- Mechanisms of combustion, and structure/phase formation in SHS-produced powders, including finely dispersed and nanosized nonmetal and metal-like carbides, borides, nitrides, oxynitrides, silicides, and other refractory compounds
- Production of complex composites and hard-melting compounds in the form of compacts porous materials, and size-fit items (including those with the desired structure, nano structured, and dispersion-strengthened ones) by direct combustion synthesis in an inert or reactive gas under pressure (≤ 300 MPa) or in vacuum
- Synthesis of large-scale materials and articles with desired mechanical properties from hard alloys and intermetallics by forced SHS compaction
- Development of highly efficient pilot-scale SHS processes for manufacturing powders, compact materials, and items (including development of technological documentation for specific fields of their application)
Investigations are aimed at synthesis of high-temperature corrosion-resistant ceramics of new generation.
Laboratory Statutes (37 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 15. X-Ray Investigation
Kovalev D.Yu., Dr.Sci.
Basic Lines of Research
- General and structural macrokinetics of combustion and explosion
- Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS)
- Synthesis and modification of materials under pressure
Task Objectives
- Structural factors in combustion synthesis of materials
- Dynamics of chemical, phase, and structural transformations during heterogeneous combustion under load
- Chemical and structural transformations of matter in conditions of dynamic and quasi-static pressure
- Scientific backgrounds for chemical regulation of combustion and explosion
Investigations are undertaken to develop physicochemical fundamentals for regulation of high-temperature processes (including combustion and explosion) by using time-resolved XRD and unique equipment for investigating material-producing combustion processes under extreme conditions.
Laboratory Statutes (37 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Lab. 16. Laboratory of High-Energy Methods for the Synthesis of Ultrahigh-Temperature Ceramic Materials
Grigoryev E.G., Ph.D.
Basic Lines of Research
- Synthesis and modification of materials under high dynamic pressures
- Self-propagating High-temperature synthesis (SHS)
- Scientific basis for new highly effective technologies for production of structural, functional and instrumental materials and coatings, materials science
Task Objectives
- Forming structural-phase state of high-temperature ceramic materials by electro-pulse methods of powder consolidation (carbides, borides, nitrides of transition metals)
- Mechanisms and macrokinetics of interrelated electro-thermal and deformation processes in powder materials during electro-pulse consolidation on various spatiotemporal scales
- Creation of new efficient hybrid electric pulse methods for obtaining ultrahigh-temperature ceramic materials from powders
Laboratory Statutes (33 Kb, updated on 1 Jun 2012)
Information about the activities of the new Laboratory (92 Kb, updated on 5 Sep 2022)
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