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The awards of the Governor in the sphere of science and innovations for the young scientists and specialists
On April 5, 2019 the deputy chairman of the regional government VADIM KHROMOV handed certificates to the laureates at the meeting of the Council of young scientists and specialists.
“Moscow region is justly proud of its science. In terms of the number of people employed in the scientific research and development we rank as the second region in Russia and we believe that in no case do we have the right to lose this place. Nowadays a lot of attention on the state and federal levels is paid to the development of science cities. Chernogolovka, Korolev, Zhukovskyi will be the candidates for becoming such centers. There are scientists from Dubna, Zhukovskyi, Protvino, Puschino, Chernogolovka, Mytischi, Podolsk, Ramenskoe among the award-winners this year. The work results you submitted are extremely interesting, they relate both to the fundamental and applied research. There have been studies made on energy saving, creating new technologies and new materials” - Mr. Khromov said.
The award has also been presented to the senior researcher of the Merzhanov Institute of structural macrokinetics and materials science NATALIA SHKODICH. She has created a new type of nano-crystal materials on the base of pseudoalloys for the contacts inside the switchers of the electrical grids. The new materials will make the electrical grids more resistant to shorts and will help to escape accidents.
“This award is a great incentive to move on, to believe in yourself and that I am going in the right direction. This recognition is desirable to be in line with in the future. This theme is interesting not only to me and our scientific team but also to the government of the Moscow region. It is very pleasant and stimulates our further development” - Ms. Shkodich said.
The awards of the Governor in the sphere of science and innovations for the young scientists and specialists from scientific and educational institutions are given annually. The number thereof is constant - 15. The amount of each award is 700 thousand Rubles.
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